Personal Message
Ayo~ Aoa's leader jimin imnida*bow. And hey u stalker!*points to u who is readimg this. Muahaha. Lol... Dont be afraid. Maybe, u can already sees that im crazy with my almost-split personality being a girl and half tomboy. I love sports~ and enjoy being swag.. But for a real thing i just cant resist to shopping, hairdone and all the girls stuff u can just name it! I would love it if u come and talk to me. I need friends... Or maybe special one. Hehe..... And i dont mind if u want buddy. Coz i need them too/wink.
Im 24. And i play guitar,harmonica and piano. I actually have quite tough past. I once have Suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome but undergo surgery. From then, i learn to appreaciate life a d try my best to live my life to the fullest. I wish people for friends are there to help me cherish every moment we breath together.^^