Personal Message






Yoon bora is the name im a model and i have been a model for 5 years now. My mother started me 


in this buisness so we could get some money to help with the family, my father had been sick 


and the only thing to help pay for the hosptal bills was my modeling gigs. It was fun at first


then i got a older and they wanted me to do more risque photoshoot's. I wasn't opposed to it 


but my mother was and she stopped me from modeling since i was still a minor at the time. 


once i turned 18 though i went back into modeling and started to do photoshoots for 


underwear and bra's and soon enough i was doing even more risque photo's.



I love modeling it gets me the chance to meet beautiful men and women and through modeling is 


where i found i liked the touch of a women rather then a male. Telling my mother that was 


hard but she has stuck with me and im happy she has.





{ thumb.jpg yoon_bora_sistar.jpg tumblr_ma9g1nJMdn1rq1yx7o1_500.png tumblr_mo8rhlgAAl1rotsoao4_250.gif YoonBora07.jpg tumblrlpc0hvuy1p1qzy0bd.jpg}

Mood: 5


Eargasm: promise - exo 


Eyegasm: You?


Thoughts: Talk to me


Cravings: girls & more girls come to me


Love status: Single


Orientation: gay


Taken by: --


Since: --




























1) My timzone is gmt -7 it may say im online but i am not im just to lazy to logout

2) i don't mind starting for people i really don't but i have this rule where if you ask me then you start and if i ask you i start. If i see to many people asking to start for them i will refuse and ask you.

3) i only really rp in 3rd pov i at 1st so most likely i will not rp in it

4) im 22 so don't be afriad to with me if you want to im not baby here but i will refuse if you are under 18 sorry