
Phantom had always been a little different from most people growing up. That much everyone had realized around him, but it wasn't anything completely out of the ordinary. In fact, they didn't question him, they labeled it as schizophrenia, when in reality it wasn't. At first he was placed in a mental facility within the lowest level. It wasn't the screaming or the insane ramblings of other patients that got to him, it was the doctors. Force feeding him food, drugs, injections. Those were the things that made him really insane. It's kind of funny, being insane, because when you see your family the next time you can't seem to recognize them although you know who they are. Soon he was moved farther up the levels of the asylum for becoming loud and violent. In the end, his parents finally pulled him out, only to push him into the hands of his aunt and uncle (not even knowing where they lived). His aunt and uncle actually lived in Alicante, deciding that they would take him in since they already knew he might belong there for some reason. As it turns out, he didn't have any powers, but his new guardians continued to let him say. Why return a schizophrenic to the people who wanted to give him away? That question was answered the day he had another one of his episodes and murdered his aunt and uncle. Since he has an unstable mind, instead of being locked up he was put on a watch of sorts. He can live alone (actually functioning very well by himself) but is watched 24/7.

Classification: Commoner/Healer

Age: 28

Orientation: Homoual

Timezone: GMT-5/Eastern Time