This layout was created by Stardust Premades ( for Please do not remove credit anywhere from the layout. If you run into troubles with the layout please let me know. Feel free to edit this however you choose, as long as credit stays in place on the layout.
—Park Bom
Naega jeil jal naga
Park Bom is the name and dancing and having fun with the homies is my game. Easily entertained, loves corn and others food. Just give me anything that can be eaten and BAM! I'm happy! I love making new friends and laughing with them. I don't really love shopping, yup I'm a different kind of girl. They call me an alien because of my weird actions. I'm not afraid to speak my mind, I may sound like a but oh well. I love people but I hate ignorance. BLAH BLAH BLAH NOTHING ELSE TO SAY SO CALL ME!! HAHA......WAIT WHAT?!?!?!?!
um pellentesque faucibus ornare. Nullam eget pretium sem. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam at nisl erat, a vulputate orci. Maecenas sem justo, dapibus id malesuada nec, ultrices a sapien. Curabitur ut massa elit, vel interdum purus. Duis ullamcorper viverra erat, vitae feugiat dui pharetra id. Curabitur dignissim ante sed sem imperdiet tincidunt. Sed vel massa et lacus mattis congue. Integer volutpat erat vel lectus lobortis facilisis. Phasellus eu tortor eu ipsum consequat viverra sed ut leo. Mauris et porttitor magna. Donec porttitor leo sit amet nulla tincidunt ut pretium risus porta. Aenean sit amet dolor metus, eget pellentesque ipsum. Nam dapibus, nunc tincidunt sodales mattis, ipsum lorem pulvinar felis, eget gravida nunc odio et purus. Vestibulum suscipit orci eget neque lobortis facilisis. Curabitur pretium tempus orci at tincidunt. Maecenas pellentesque, velit at vestibulum tincidunt, mauris ipsum cursus lorem, in varius tortor justo a sapien. Vestibulum pellentesque faucibus ornare. Nullam eget pretium sem.
--Relationship Information;
Taken Alien
Status: Taken
By Whom: Choi Seunghyun
Since: Forever
First Date: 00/00/00 (because it was forever ago)
First Kiss: Kiss but never Tell
Got Engaged:
Wedding Day:
Our Song:
--Friends and Family;
I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends. I'm surrounded by angels, and I call them my best friends. -Pamela Daranjo