Personal Message

Quick Details:

Name: Kim Namjoon.

Age: 21.

Occupation: Mechanic and technician.

uality: Panual, still coming to terms with it.

Garage #1



Kim Namjoon had never raced down the track in his life. His hands long adapted to the warm metal of the engine, blackened and calloused

and his brain quick to fix any problem, were unable to clutch a steering wheel or process the world flying by. He wanted to keep it that way.

The world he lived in was calculated and controlled, he never wanted to find out what it was like to let his foot hit the floor and the ground

disappear beneath his wheels. He never wanted to grow into his wings. The ground was more than enough.


Panel beating + Visual modification (preferred)

Mechanical repair + Upgrade

Vehicle "posession"

Namjoon had an incredibly bright future. As a student he was obsessed with Science and Physics and how the world worked,

he loved trying to discover the meaning behind everything he saw. How humingbirds flew backwards, how dolphins slept with only half of their brain,

and the existence of human uality. However, in his final year Namjoon didn't attend school for a month straight before dropping out all together,

refusing to tell anyone why, or what happened. He just came and started working on cars. After his peers graduated, he kept working on cars, and years after they've moved on,

he's still working on cars. Deciphering them, trying to make them better, faster. Unable to comprehend anything but the firing of the pistols and the chunk of the gears.


One author rule:

  • For the love of god. If you blur, and confuse IC with OOC, i will drop the plot immediately. I dont mind being nudged as long as you dont get mad - you need to understand I do have a life as well - but if drama is carried to OOC, i will just drop the plot. The amount of times people have gotten mad at me because of something a character has done is absurd, so as long as that doesn't happen, we're chill.