
Name : Jung Soojung
Age: 17 years old
Type: Princess
Favorite granddaughter of the passed away grand dowager.
Orientation: Straight

OOC Corner
1. My timezone is GMT+8.
2. I mainly do 3rd pov. I despise one liners so don't give me them one liners. Also plot before rp.
3. I have a life outside of rpr so please don't rush me. If I don't reply to you within 3 days, poke me.






You'll never ever know who I really am.

Soojung, otherwise known as Krystal is the young cousin to the current Emperor Huizong and his siblings. She was born in Winter and the lakes looked like crystals. However, she was born with a strange gift. She emitted a mysterious scent which was very easy to the nose. Whenever she was happy, she could attract butterflies by simply waving or dancing in the gardens. Her father was the younger brother to the previous Emperor and her mother, a beautiful princess from a faraway land though still asian.  Ever since she was little, she was close to their grandmother who loved the dear little girl with all of her heart. However, when Soojung was only 6 years old, her parents were assassinated by a few jealous brothers who were jealous and envious of her father's success in war and in court. That was when her grandmother stepped in and took over her parents' role in bringing her up. She was brought to the palace and lived with her grandmother. She served her grandmother with filial piety and love, always bringing joy to her grandmother. She was given education in every thing she'd ever need. She too, knew how to play the gayageum which was given to her on her 6th birthday before her parents passed away. Soojung stayed with her dear grandmother until her grandmother passed away. 

That's too bad because I wanted you to know.

Soojung is someone who is sweet and kind. Also, as she was brought up by her grandmother, the mother of the previous Emperor, she was also polite and very well-mannered as well as smart due to the fact that her grandmother trained her in everything she would ever need to know. She also had a sort of charm to her that drew people to her which was useful since now she was all alone with her grandmother gone. 

Some playful plots for us to play with.

     The mysterious stranger in black ( m | 0/1 | Love Interest Plot )

Krystal was out on a cruise with a facade of being just a regular daughter of a rich family. However, after an accident, she fell into a deep tunnel and was unable to get out. That is, until he came along. He managed to get her out with a simple jump in and out of the tunnel. However, since he had a mask on, she couldn't tell who it was. He fixed her broken arm and ever since then, he filled her thoughts and was always there whenever she needed help.

      plot name ( f/m | 0/? | ??? )

Insolens sensibus accusamus ut vis, vel te eirmod aeterno eripuit, ea eos quod mundi. Cu munere temporibus sed, no facer oratio scribentur per. Ea his nisl liber alienum. Id usu cetero scripserit, dicant vocent nec te. Cu dicit quaeque vim, in nec atomorum mandamus. Sea malis graece gloriatur te, in vis atqui splendide, exerci constituto ne has. Cu scribentur appellantur vis. Vim eius periculis temporibus ne, vis ex sumo affert. Sea no quando facilisis, pro veri congue liberavisse no. Quis invenire neglegentur eum ei, theophrastus delicatissimi vix ne. ei delenit adipisci iracundia, ad partem admodum per, soleat audire scribentur ad eos. Malis epicuri liberavisse at mea, ne pro appareat nominati. Ad mel elitr diceret molestie, regione aperiri consequuntur ad per. Audire interesset sea ea, eu adolescens quaerendum vim, ut vim facilis similique.

      plot name ( f/m | 0/? | ??? )

Insolens sensibus accusamus ut vis, vel te eirmod aeterno eripuit, ea eos quod mundi. Cu munere temporibus sed, no facer oratio scribentur per. Ea his nisl liber alienum. Id usu cetero scripserit, dicant vocent nec te. Cu dicit quaeque vim, in nec atomorum mandamus. Sea malis graece gloriatur te, in vis atqui splendide, exerci constituto ne has. Cu scribentur appellantur vis. Vim eius periculis temporibus ne, vis ex sumo affert. Sea no quando facilisis, pro veri congue liberavisse no. Quis invenire neglegentur eum ei, theophrastus delicatissimi vix ne. ei delenit adipisci iracundia, ad partem admodum per, soleat audire scribentur ad eos. Malis epicuri liberavisse at mea, ne pro appareat nominati. Ad mel elitr diceret molestie, regione aperiri consequuntur ad per. Audire interesset sea ea, eu adolescens quaerendum vim, ut vim facilis similique.

My special prince.

He is.
error. can't be found.
he's not here yet D: