NAME: Jung Soojung
BIRTHDATE: 24th october 1994
STATUS: single / taken

am just a lovely girl- /slapped/ not really well, i think i might be violent towards everyone, dunno why but that's how i show my affection tbvh ouo; #dontbemad #stallovesallofyou /coughs/ so yeah,  love foods, especially the sweet treats so wanna me hate you, just send the sweet infront of the door, thank you so much! stal really appreciate it < 3 heh. hm- wanna know about me? what- no? yes? hmm- just read it till the end would you? i love blabbering but not that much, when im on the mood yes, i love talking eue; please don't judge me people- /grins/ or stal will haunt you like a zombie ouo; dare me cx i'd love to try :') 

Next, ideal type- should i mentioned it here? #stalkerssaidyes /coughs/ oh- okay then ouo; /after a few days/  hmm- i really don't know what to put in here so let it just passed by the wind- cx #sorrynotsorry haha am always like this- oh for the shy people there, please don't be shy, if you're i'll low down my hyper-ness, i'm a good listener and a good stuff for friends- /slapped/ don't ever shy to talk to me okay? 

if you wanna know more, why don't we grab some coffee or bubble tea or cakes? I'm up for anything :')
*ifyouwannaplot, i'm up for everything, really :)

► Plot name: characters selected » plot information, Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna.

► Plot name: characters selected » plot information, Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna.

► Plot name: characters selected » plot information, Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna.

► Plot name: characters selected » plot information, Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna.

► Plot name: characters selected » plot information, Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna.
NAME: f6xjung @ tiantian < 3
BIRTHDATE: 3rd march
STATUS: single / taken

hello there! you may called me Tiantian, hehe it's cute isn't it? well, i'm at gmt+8, sometimes on sometimes off so maybe late reply ;; #sorry it's been a long time since i last rp here, so i'm actually preparing for my comeback- lol xD poke me if i didn't reply you, maybe i missed your post, but please after 2 days ;; 

let's be friends! i love to be friends with everyone :) and oh, chingu, if we have been rp together before, come and tickles me because sometimes i'm an old grandma ouo;; hahah let's stop it here shall we? let's rp, and create the best moments here! 

xoxo, Tiantian < 3
Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Morbi accumsan vel dolor sit amet placerat. Nam non vehicula lorem, convallis ornare quam. Integer eget nisi in diam placerat tincidunt ut a nibh.

Quisque sodales venenatis tempus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuere tincidunt urna. Nullam ut fermentum nunc, ut ultrices ante. Morbi accumsan vel dolor sit amet placerat. Nam non vehicula lorem, convallis ornare quam. Integer eget nisi in diam placerat tincidunt ut a nibh.