Personal Message


Hong Jisoo
 {1} {2}{ {3} {4} {5} ©
Hong Jisoo, or for the band Joshua, is a very sweet and caring person. He's always there for others when they need him. Or when you are simply down and upset. He loves making people smile, and he always speaks his mind, even if he knws someone is going to say something about what he said. He s not afraid of what people have to say about him being a homoual, he is a proud and loud boy, nothing will bring him down. Unless you break his heart into a million pieces... He is sensitve, but he tries not to show it by hiding it with a smile and lots of confidence.
Admin @
My online sign will most likely always be on, i never log out. I'm on my mobile most of the time, so i am sorry if it takes a while to send a reply, or if the reply didn't send. I don't ignore people, i respond to everyone, just give me time. I do 3rd Pov the most, but i can do 1st, just not a good. I'm not one for Angst, or sad genres, so if you are, don't bother asking to rp...  
I am usually an easy person to get along with, so don't be shy to just chat with me~^^
Currently Roleplaying

Past Roleplays
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