
About Park Hyungseok

Hyungseok seems to be a jerk, but he's actually a really sweet guy. One of the sweetest angels, but depending on who you are, he actually may just be a normal jerk. He never intended to be a jerk, it just comes out naturally. He has a fragile heart and mind, not physically, but mentally.

Because of trust issues, Hyungseok spends a lot of time on really getting to know people. He values introductions because it sets the path to the start of a new friendship. He likes to know the real side of others, even if he doesn't completely show his own side.

He actually keeps to himself more than people may think, but as friendships get stronger and love interests get closer, he may just open up and crack a little, and you'll be able to finally get to know him and his personalities in all their glory

Message to Future Lover:

I want to thank you for unlocking my heart and letting me show all sides of myself to you.
Special Friends:

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23 Y.O
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