Personal Message


hey, lovely.
  hey, lovely.




admin soojung just dropping by to poop on your wall

because i don't think i'll ever get to posting on everyone's

walls. cries. but yes, welcome to the neighbourhood and

if you ever need anything, feel free to approach the other

four admins for help bc they probably know more than i do

coughs i mean what. have a great time here! and if you don't

appreciate my face being on your wall- though i wouldn't

understand why like who wouldn't want me on their wall lmao-

 feel free to delete this message aha. bye. sorry if this scarred

your eyes- i really at coding. this isn't even coding. wtf. 

from soojung. xoxo.
                        ( don't cringe too hard at me pls. i tried ok. )

 now playing:  
EL DORADO- by exo
❝ A dda dda dda-. Never done before.  (Slide to the sides and check the info aká the plots & more!)
189 265
Li Wenhan | Lee Moon Han. Born in Hangzhou, China the 22 of july of 1994. UNIQ'S Vocalist & 'Real man'. 180cms, Cancer. Signed under YUEHUA ENT. Speaks Chinese, Korean and English fluently.

Wenhan specialties are  swim, play basketball, dive, play the guitar, piano and Beat box. He likes the colors red, blue, black & white and loves animals in general. Likes to watch horror, sci-fi, action & comedy movies. His personality is easy going and he's camera shy when he's not obliged to be on them. He's a bit clumsy and the second clown of the group by nature, people won't get bored at his side.
friends & fams:
The ones who stuck by me through thin and thick, my precious friends ♥
plots Coming soon:

Running away | Male/female | available (0/1) They had been in the middle of a scandal before their agencies send them there, there were many rumors about them, some being about a relationship, others telling that they were buddies or even that they got married but in reality they were just friends, good friends that just liked to be together and make things like normal people would..

Happy times | Male/female (Chinese) | available (0/1) Whenever you think back of your home when you're away you try to keep it as close as you can, Wenhan had become an idol after struggling so much and he was more than glad to meet an old friend from back home, making his homesickness go away for a bit..

whatever that makes you happy | Male/female | available (0/1) We all have this one person that is like a brother or sister that you can't refuse or say no to whatever they ask? Well Wenhan is  a soft hearted man and does everything in his hands to make this person happy.

➍ overdose | Male/female | available (0/1) Simple things go out of hands, life isn't all about rainbows and love, what would you do if you found a stranger fainted in the middle of the night in a public bathroom? but what if it was an idol like you? .

Love or lust | Male/female | available (0/1) They were more than friends but less than lovers, so what they were? they don't know but their initimate enconters get out of hand. 
201 265 
The one and only:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In eget efficitur est, ut cursus orci. Phasellus sed neque sit amet dolor hendrerit dignissim. In non vehicula nunc. Integer vel lacinia urna. In eu arcu eget lorem facilisis lobortis. Etiam egestas eu mauris sit amet dignissim. Aenean rhoncus ante sed massa tincidunt fringilla. Suspendisse facilisis urna eu vulputate viverra.

Nullam sed finibus sem. Donec convallis metus ac metus auctor, ac malesuada ante faucibus. Integer pulvinar rhoncus auctor. Pellentesque laoreet lacus a fermentum efficitur. Duis convallis mauris sapien, vitae porttitor nunc facilisis eu. Fusce sagittis varius convallis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam in ex nec turpis venenatis euismod a nec ex. Aenean id scelerisque orci. Phasellus leo libero, viverra eu ante vitae, scelerisque sollicitudin justo. Sed dignissim justo non arcu vulputate imperdiet. Duis varius fermentum elit, id tincidunt urna molestie semper. Nunc velit ante, tincidunt nec velit ac, tincidunt sodales nibh. Mauris egestas eros leo, non scelerisque tortor viverra quis.