

                   AGE: 22

Tall and lissome with a distingué manner, it's hard to imagine Jongin as anything other than exactly what he is: the handsome son of a wealthy family. Born into old money, he's never wanted for anything, nor has he ever had reason to be unhappy. Jongin has never struggled.

At least, not with anything other than himself.

Behind closed doors, Kim Jongin is prone to manic episodes and fits of uncontrollable rage.

He's generally a composed, quick-witted young man with a way about him that makes him seem decades older than he truly is. He's articulate and intelligent, the pride of the Kim family with the ability of teleportation like the majority of his relatives. But just as quickly as Jongin can teleport from point A to point B, his demeanour shatters within the snap of a finger. Suddenly, it's as if he's stuck inside of a labyrinth, constantly taking the wrong turn and meeting a dead end, lost and disoriented and so, so angry.

His actions are inappropriate, his parents once told a young Jongin with their noses upturned; he was unacceptable.

Of course, that didn't stop them from moulding him into the perfect little ambassador for their family, and it grew easier to fit into the role as the years passed and he grew into a man. But the rage always lingered, humming beneath his skin, anticipating the short moments when Jongin allowed himself to /feel/ it rather than suppress it. It usually resulted in little more than shattered mirrors and split knuckles and bloody crescents that he dug into his own palms; it was never anything that couldn't be swept under the rug or wrapped up in bandages.

That is, until the subject of an eighteen year old Jongin's anger became someone other than himself. He killed another person. A stupid, wealthy boy that he was expected to get along with. He was cruel and arrogant and saw Jongin as an inferior being despite the fact that they laid claim to similar amounts of money. His family hid the body in a nearby body of water and played along with the notion that it was all and accident.

It was no surprise to Jongin that after that day, his parents could hardly look at him. Oddly enough, that didn't bother him all that much. He left his family home not a month later and took to travelling from city to city, country to country, taking in lands that reminded him little of his home in an effort to forget the reason why the old money that makes him who he is is now permanently stained red.

But he can't shake the feeling of being watched. With every step he takes, Jongin can feel eyes on him. He could swear that their are figures hiding in the shadows, ones that know exactly what he's done; ones that are following his every move, watching and biding their time and waiting for /something/ and Jongin can't help but to look over his shoulder after every turn.

Jongin doesn't know who or what is watching him, but it's driving him crazy. His only goal is to get away, but he can't seem to teleport far enough.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa.