Personal Message
OOC STUFFS: (Please read as I mention POV and genres in here! Please and thank you (you will be directed here if you ask, just saying!)
1. I am a third person rper, I can go anywhere from para to novella it all depends on the muse of the day!
2. Genres are completely open only thing I won't do is comedy, as I am not the most comedic person in the universe.
3. is allowed as long as you can do it tastefully I won't write in first person it's just not right (I'm sorry to all you first person writers)
4. I'm in GMT-4 (that is eastern time in the US)
5. If I haven't posted at you for three days poke at me, I'll get back with you as fast as I can.
6. Extension of five, don't expect a reply every five seconds it doesn't work that way and if you rush me I will likely quit your face.
7. One liners equal no more posting with you :)
8. NO FIRST PERSON RANDOM ENTRANCES! I have no idea how to reply to them, also added to this, no emotes, and things of that nature. I don't approve of it!
9. I'm a really nice person don't hate me because of my guidelines :X