Personal Message

Byun Baekhyun - Inmate - Age 23

If Baekhyun only had one talent, it would be getting into trouble whether he went looking for it or not. With a smartass atitude and no fear of auhtority, he's got a quick wit and the brain to match. He's got  a tough shell, but on the inside is an almost opposite person that he doesn't want anyone to know about and exploit. Although not  extremely strong, Baekhyun's got enough skill to get himself out of most of the incidents he's gotten himself into. However, not all of them. That explains why he's ended up here. Always having grown up on the rougher side of things, his family has always scorunged for money and to help make ends meet he's picked up theft with some of his "friends". The one time Baekhyun got caught was the one time someone died, and of course all blame was thrown onto him. He won't deny it if you ask him, but he'd never killed anyone despite having placed a few people who ed him over very close to it. 

Timezone: Central Time Zone UTC-06:00

OOC Corner/Roleplay rules:

1. NO RANDOM STARTERS 2. I do NOT wing plots, they make me uncomfortable not having a direction to go in.  2. I like darker themes, so don't be shy about planning anything. 

That's about it <3