Personal Message

kiko's wall of love; 

yiendad #1dad #2husbandmijoomilymingyutaeman

to add: luhan


lewdhan, lubehan 2 minutes ago Reply

She's like the god 
She takes care of everyone 
And like I should really talk to her mor in private cuz I'm just her hyung daddy which still makes no sense but lol *sends love*
mingyu 36 minutes ago Reply History 
you're always so caring... always watching and making yourself available to everyone... you're always there to listen, guide even behind the guise of those teases...
kiKo mizuhara
OCtober 15, 1990
single & not interesTed
cravingProbably yoU
ListeningJay p: you know
Thoughtstired of this
HeY, kiko mizuhara hEre. nothing much to say or stalk here honestly; juSt approach me (but please don't do a c&p greeting) and you can find out whaT i'm like. i'll warn you beforehand, though, thaT i'm pretty straightforward, blunt, possibly rude and definitely sarcasTic. also, probably not in the mood for a relationship, so don't get your hopes up if i flirt around. thanks for dropping by.
dear beloved, you probably dOn't Exist. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at his nonumy inciderint. Omnes scripta volutpat in has. Ex eos eius dicit saepe, nec ad quas ipsum. Ut eirmod scripta persius pro, at his eligendi epicurei, ea facilis senserit laboramus.

Posse tacimates et sed, est solet fierent in, quem meliore interesset his ut. Eu usu justo vivendo detraxit, ei eos mazim iusto gloriatur. Id esse nemore delicatissimi mel, te ius suas quas exerci, per veri facete sadipscing id.
baby, i gave You everything; what else do you Want?