Personal Message

past dps :


giant baby that just got back from soul searching 26 seconds ago Reply 

zemoolo is brosismance guys.

forever will be yieric's ariel 21 seconds ago Reply 
why am i friends w lil siblings smh
i need to find new friends

hi i'm a giant baby feed me tomatoes pls & tq 1 minute ago Reply 

@moon byulyi aww, it's okay. but like, do know that your presence lingers if you ain't here. what am i saying.

hey guys! moonbyul here, also known as moonie ♡ im pretty chill to talk with so i do hope you come and have a chat with me- as i like to think im incredibly approachable so don't hesitate to come close. you're going to find me more in rooms than walls btu don't worry- i'll get around to everyone eventually- esp you cute wall flowers. also don't mind my typos either- please. im terrible.
x : moon byulyi
x : 23
x : reserved? c; & biual


baes h over ok.