Personal Message


Don't let the smile fool you;

I could kill you in a heartbeat.

And not regret it.

Kwon Ji Yong. The Dragon Leader. Just the name should be enough to strike fear into your hearts. 
He's the toughest and number 1 gang leader in Seoul. 
His 'parent's' were killed in a car accident when he was four and he blamed himself for it. 
But it wasn't even his fault and it still makes him angry to this day.
Running away from the orpanage when he was four, 
he was taken into his first gang and then that's where his life got worse and turned him into 
who he is today. 
He learned from the best, and became a skilled killer when he was young. 
But it also introuduced him to a life of drugs and black outs. 
Every night he was 'summoned' by his leaders and he would wake up the next morning sometimes 
with his clothes on and other times without his clothes. He felt dirty, but it toughened him 
up to where he didn't feel anything.
One night, he just snapped and refused to accompany  his leader to his room and said he was 
That was the first of many times he nearly died. His leader beat him and gave him two wounds 
that would forever change his life. 
His first is a scar that starts at his right shoulder and goes down his back crossing the 
middle and ending at his left hip bone. 
His second is on his right arm. It's the length of the arm and limits his ability to move in 
fights sometimes.
His body is covered in scars and he has several tattoos that each hold a story.  
Kwon Ji Yong is a cold hearted, . He does drugs, starts fights, drinks and anything you 
can think of as a gang leader. 
He s women to fill the slight void in his heart and that's all. 
He has yet to find that special woman or man to melt the ice around his heart.