
Jung Yun|19|Sophomore|Single|

Yun is a lively, positive thinking and outspoken girl but can be sassy too at times. She isn't afraid to express what she feels. She's away from home because her parents wants her to study in one of the prestigious school. She works part time job as a lingerie model, finding some pocket money on her own although she gotta expose some parts of her body. She loves travelling and thus that's why she took the tourism course. She's currently training for the upcoming beauty pageant. Her dream job is to be a flight attendance where she can serve and travel at the same time.


Plot titles

1.[ Blackmail ]

2.[ Neighbour next door ]

3.[ You who came from the past ]

4.[ Body Language ]

5. [ Night ride ]

6. [ Vanilla ]

More to add soon... Hit me up if you wanna me to elaborate about the titles.


I used to say no to but I'm okay with it now. Choose any genre and we can plot