Personal Message
28 years
For as long as Hyuna could remember she wanted to be a wedding planner. Unfortunately for her her parents disapproved and she ended up being a math teacher instead since she'd always showed a promising talent for numbers and logic. her logic failed her during her work stay at a high school she was teaching at. physics and calculus were her levels and that semester she was teaching a freshman class where the students were barely legal. her life started spiraling downwards when she met dylan. he was a foreign transfer student from arizona who had started midway through his junior year. she had him in her intro to phsyics class as her student and since he was a transfer she had to personally tutor him. what he didn't realize is that every time he was near he made her 26 year old heart pound, her breath hitch and her lady bits wet. 
one day during tutoring he just flat out told her that he couldn't concentrate because she was too beautiful. one thing led to another and that's how hyuna slept with a sixteen year old for the first time. it wouldn't have been so bad. if it hadn't kept happening and happening until a year later  they were still doing it. they would meet up at her place and he would hold her and tell her how he couldn't wait to graduate so that he could find a job and be with her for real. one of those nights hyuna told him she was pregnant. he was ecstatic but she told him she was getting an abortion. because no one could find out about their relationship. not if they wanted to keep it going. that was the first step to the end.
one day dylan couldn't wait. he had her pinned up on her desk, biting at her chest and ing inside of her when a student walked in. and it was all downhill from there. dylan was forcefully pulled from her. his parents sued for statuatory . even though he tried he was only 17 and had no say. she aws the one at fault. she was the one who should have thought better. needless to say things didn't go well. 
after the trials she spent a few months in jail before being released. she moved all the way across the country to find herself a new job. to get a job as a teacher with her record, though is tough, so she survives by being a part time wedding planner and a part time librarian to make rent. shunned from her family and friends and previous life. now here she is. 2 years later. broken and confused. sworn to abstinence. wondering if it'll happen again. dylan still tries to write her but she knows she can never answer... what she doesn't know is if she'll ever be able to open herself up again. 
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Boys and buses - Juliette barnes