
Kim Nari
21 years old
 Jammin To:
Run - BTS
about nari
Her childhood to teenage life is normal but so stricted because of her parents. They didn't want her to go out with her friends, not get a boyfriend, just staying in her room and studies. She didn't mind this at all until her teenage years, she just got tired of everything what they was doing to her, like a puppet so after graduating in high school, she moved to seoul where the university she always wanted to go to, so she can become a pastry chef like her aunt is. She now has her own apartment thanks to her aunt and uncle, pays her bills because she working as a cafe waitress that she' been in for 3 years straight. Her main goals is to get her degree for pastry chef so she can finally work where her aunt and uncle is, but while the way, even make friends and find a lover too-her first lover she'll ever have but she'll be alright, she's finally free to do whatever she wants and no one will stop her.

You guys make my life less of a living hell :)
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KookieJinLily BAEHoseok my cute brother <3Yongguk my handsome brotherTaec Oppa <3DaehyunPretty Gain ^^JayMy cutie bestie Baek <3Jaejoong Oppa <3Khunnie OppaMarkie boo
some lame plots
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Title | M/F | (0/1) 
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