Personal Message





Keumjo//started!! Dungeon 2, Cell Buddies

Kris//plotting replied

Mina//plotting replied

Kyunhyun//plotting replied

Gyuri//plotting replied

Soohyuk//plotting replied


















Cara has been a slave since she was 18 years old. Before hand, she was a rising model superstar, whom at the age of 16 was picked out of many contestants to be shot for Vogue magazine. She also modeled for perfume places, bras, hats, sunglasses, etc. She was considered for beautiful, she was going to audition to be a Victoria's Secret angel!

But then, at 18, as she was coming home from a bra shoot, a male wrapped his arm around her, put a cloth over and nose, and a white van came around the coner. She nailed him good in the stomach and balls, and went on a run for it, but a darts from a gun were fierd, and she was hit by 2 of them.

And then, the next thing she knows, she's waking up to the smell of blood and roses, with little to no clothes on her body, and the bars of a cell surrounding her.


She’s a free spirited girl, not worried to say what's on her mind to the average person, and has a strong heart. Back in the day, she was a little bit of a tomboy, enjoyed her skate board days in the park at 11, volleyball and track. Also a little mud at a campfire party was never bad. She was a goofball whom enjoyed adventure, as well as affectionatly loved her family. She is know to have made kids her age jealous of her looks and brightness.

With her high classed beauty, she may “cost” the same as the other slaves, but only cirtin people whom have proved themselves worthy (being high ranked masters/mistresses, etc) can actually touch her.

She's enjoyed her flings and had had before but this master-mistress thing….this is a whole different level she doesn’t like. So, as expected, she's turned her spunk into a rebelious attitude for as long as she's lived in a call, and can easily lash out her claws and might if you threaten her. But one thing's known for sure.


She knows what she has to do to survive her.

She won't do it often, but if someone is willing to be kind enough to her, she'll probably say "what the heck, why not?" other than that, no way.


She's 20 years old, and has three little brothers, a mom and a dad whom have no idea where she went. If she ever gets out of here she wants to be an actress and continue her modeling carrer. She enjoys singing in the shower, dogs (the big ones, though she can handle puppys to) skate boarding, volleyball, running, etc.





"with fire and fury, I will burn for you"

lover's note.........







Mr. Taxi//Master//0/1

Your a nice master, or at least in the middle, and you place your eyes on the beautiful Cara, take her out her cell, you both have nice , and wake up the next morning fine. But, you’ve rented her for 24 hours. So what else can you do with that time? Well that’s an easy question! Take the girl out!

She convinces you to let her go with you to a night in the town, to see the sights, grass, stars, streets, everything one more time, before she’s shut in a cell again. She trusted you enough to have (as she’s very feisty other wise), she believes she can trust you enough to tell you she a little escape.

You two together go wherever she wants to go, (or maybe where ever you wanna go, depending on how demanding you were with making the deal to sneak her out). Maybe it’s a “date”, or maybe it’s your lucky day too watch her light up, and herself get what she wants.

By the end of the night, she’s going to make a phone call to a Taxi driver. Will that be you giving her another fun night in bed, or an actual taxi taking her to her real home in California?