Personal Message

Beauty is Elegance

Beauty is Elegance

박소라  jung ilhoon  july.29.1988 166cm 48kg
 Graceful like a Swan

Born into a very rich family in Incheon, Ilhoon was a rebel with a cause. Up until his first year of high school, Ilhoon was a good student. Always getting good grades, listening to his parents and did his best at every sport he had played. That changed when his father had passed away a week before he had started high school and went into a deep depression. No one could make him talk and he began skipping classes and going home at late hours, making his mother worry about him. He decided to move out of the only home he knew and into a new one on the island with his childhood friend, Sungjong, and open up his own restaurant called Golden Star at the age of 17. He has a German Shepherd named Rex that always stays by his side no matter what.

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