Byun Baekhyun
Baekhyun is a mostly lucid individual. He's not usually a danger to anyone, even himself. Usually. The reason he's here is because he wants to be. Baekhyun has Agoraphobia brought on by PTSD. Unfortunately he cannot recall what the triggering event was, so he can't fix it. He also has Anxiety and Depression brought on by the agoraphobia - anxiety/panic when he gets too close to windows, doors leading outside, too open spaces, strangers, or outdoors in general, and depression because his life is no longer what it used to be and he no longer goes in the sun, causing a vitamin D deficiency. His anxiety is so bad that he can't be in public without breaking down. His meltdowns turn him into the type of person he never wanted to be - angry, mean, and on occasion, violent. His phobia begins to resemble obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) when you pay attention, because of how obsessive he is about avoiding his own triggers. Unfortunately, his triggers are everywhere. He also suffers from insomnia, partially from all of the anxiety and depression constantly rolling in his head, and partially because he has no internal clock from not having sunlight. The cure to his insomnia is cherry juice and cuddling, but the cherry juice causes him to wet the bed, so he has to wear diapers at night. He's also got a binge eating problem. He'll occasionally skip meals, but frequently he'll just eat large meals. He has a pretty good metabolism, however, so he's only got a tiny bit of chub. He also refuses to take his medication and recently had a suicide attempt(2/1/16).