Personal Message





why hello der

call me dani.


Hey der, My name is Daniela... although you probably already know that. Yes i know what

your thinking.... "Who be dat y thang in those pictures? Yes that is me.... iknow right im

beautiful *^* and y ewe 

Well theres not much to me, i draw, play piano, I like to make edits, and i have just learned 

hot to make layouts, if you wanna see my shop just click da period beside the big dani, its 

there. Feel free to request, im always free ^^.

Sadly, i have gotten much to addicted to , i will only rp if your roleplay has in



Favorite Idols/Pairings

Idols - Minwoo No, Junior Royal, Eric Nam, Bang Yonnguk, Jo Twins.

Pairings - Jo Twins, MinRon, BaekRen, BangHim, DongWoo, JRxME >u>


swingh0 EXOMNIA b2utyvipgirlfriend primalovebaby name name name name name

thanks for being my friend. Who knows will you be added ouo?