Personal Message


RP Styles



Yo Minna-san~!!
This is xXdarkXmageXx and if you need an RP Player, I'm here ^^

Just to let you know, my RP styles are:

~> Book Style: For me Book Styles are way better to understand a character's thoughts and what he or she plans on doing, or maybe what the character will be doing next. But for me, this is highly OPTIONAL. If you prefer me doing this style, then sure why not, or if you prefer another, then I won't object XD Just as long as I know how to do the style lol.

         For Example: [EXO RP]
Sehun: "I'm so tired I can eat a horse. Luhan hyung, can you get me something to eat?" I sat down on the chair and waited for his reply/


~> Simplified Style: This is also an OPTIONAL style for me. Though, it isn't much complicated as the Book Style, as written at the top part. In this style, I don't use any ' "" 's. Only ' ** ' which can determine a character's action.

        For Example: [EXO RP]
Sehun: *sits on chair* Hey.. what are you planning to doing to me?



RP Genres:


Alright~ To the fun part of RPing~

I also have certain Genres of RPs that I do. Meaning, these are mostly the ones I normally do, and have wild imaginations on these XD

~> (very much yes, I do both HARDCORE and SOFTCORE)
~> YURI (Not much, but I have a clear idea about this)
~> School Life ( My favourite )
~> Suspense
~> Angst ( I cry when I do angst, but I'm pretty serious about it)



Well, yea, pretty much that's it. XD If you want any more info about my RP-ing, feel free to message me ^^
I also RP in Skype. If anyone wants to RP with me there, again, feel free to message me ^^