▐┊↳ SENTIMENTAL : aurp. / new, open.   —  come & join this sessy family

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Admin(s)pewdiewho and lucky4432
Last post 9 years ago
Tags   yuri   3rdpov   aurp   1stpov   straight   crack  


tumblr_inline_msy5o89F1X1qz4rgp.png tumblr_inline_msy5o5RiHU1qz4rgp.png tumblr_inline_msy5nqetZl1qz4rgp.png
ayy, whalecum to sentimental where the girls are y and the guys are s /coughs. everyone is a . so come join this y ed crack filled family. okay? okay. 
sehun  / lay  / krystal / admin 








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iwaizumi 9 years ago
clearing characters. luhan left. for now. u v u ;
tell me if sehun comes back okei it's been forever.
nemoli 9 years ago
jhope left
sorry, wasn't active
ThisisRainbow 9 years ago
Kyungsoo left.
Sorry Yeol...
Busy with college...
giribabe 9 years ago
Okay so I feel really bad for doing this but Hyejeong will be taking her leave. I really needed to clean out my characters and school just started so I won't have much time to be active. I'm sorry Fanxing ;; <3
blank- 9 years ago
Chanyeol's back. ouo
blank- 9 years ago
Chanyeol's on hiatus til I get internet. orz
jageun 9 years ago
linzy left
-smileforme 9 years ago
chororo left, sorry. < / 3
redzebra21 9 years ago
Please put sohyun under hiatus for a little over a week? I should a done this sooner orz.... Thank you.
sadface 9 years ago
add and reserve bambam please.
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