Ut interdum blandit pharetra. Nam tempus fringilla nunc vel vesbulum. sociis natoque peibus et magnis dis parient montes, nastur riculus mus. Susdisse massa cursus nibh pretium, tempus volutpat velit posuere. Interdum et malada fames ac ante ipsum primis in fcibus.
06.20.14 Curitur quam est, mollis a metus in, bibdum mollis ligula. Quisque ac dui massa.
18.11.14 Evanesce Roleplay officially open and accept members
06.20.14 Curitur quam est, mollis a metus in, bibdum mollis ligula. Quisque ac dui massa.
18.11.14 Evanesce Roleplay officially open and accept members
status : open
A Fun Place For You
01. Favourite this roleplay , upvote is mandatory.
02. Reservation will last for 2 days /48 hours
03. and Yuri are allowed
04. 2 days dating ban , engaged after 5 days
05. No OOC drama please
06. Respect everyone
07. Comment below if your deire idol is not on the list
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