❀어디에서 왔는지?❀
open | under co. | accepting
Girl, where did you come from? What a mystery, where are you going? How old are you? Are you older than me? You’re not? Then I’m your oppa! (Awesome) Your face is so small and pretty. You look fresh like a salad, so smooth. Did you eat? I’m not just hitting on you. Wanna get a cup of coffee? Is coffee okay? Where did you come from? Will you tell me your name? I’m so curious. I’m really so curious...
Girl, where did you come from? What a mystery, where are you going? How old are you? Are you older than me? You’re not? Then I’m your oppa! (Awesome) Your face is so small and pretty. You look fresh like a salad, so smooth. Did you eat? I’m not just hitting on you. Wanna get a cup of coffee? Is coffee okay? Where did you come from? Will you tell me your name? I’m so curious. I’m really so curious...
12/14/14: Official Opening!
mm/dd/yy: laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
12/14/14: Official Opening!
mm/dd/yy: laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
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