BEWARE!! Roughness and abuse AREN'T FORBIDDEN here. All sorts of violent acts are allowed. Now OPEN and ACCEPTING!

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Last post 9 years ago
Status [M]
Tags   abuse   kpopandoc  

Each one of you, or most of you are notorious badasses. You are also looking for a love to have by your side. This love will lie for you and back you up if you've done nothing wrong. Only when you find this love can the abuse and roughness towards that love begin.

Dominant People: You steel, kill, scare and abuse. You do every terrible thing you can think of. Yes. Beware the cops and those who may betray you. Only you can decide who your love is. (Actually please consult with the [Sub]CharacterName you want to do that with first. Thank you!)

Submissive People: You let the Dominant ones do whatever they want to do to you. You lie for them. Back them up. Sacrafice yourself for them. Don't do anything stupid. Don't betray them or you may be punished depending on the Dominant other. Please be sure that you and the Dominant other understand your roles.




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SeunghoShipper 9 years ago
Admin, can you please add Siwon and Kyuhyun
Me and my friend will apply later
lili_sm17e 9 years ago
could you add tao?
-silHOEette 9 years ago
#Baekhyun, please o/
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