+ BOYS BE ❞ # 隠す&シーク 「 MANSE MANSE MANSE YEH' 」— open & accepting : come and join now for jeonghan! ♡ jeonghan needs more people c: rooms are under construction-

(17) Favorite (65) 7473 views
Last post 7 years ago
Tags boyxboy   mpreg   nonau   seventeen   only  

boys be




height not fixed. type as much as you wanna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed congue, ipsum id facilisis pretium, magna ligula fringilla nibh, eget auctor nulla nulla nec sem. Curabitur blandit auctor sapien vel aliquet. Donec sollicitudin lacus ut lectus consectetur volutpat. In pretium vitae tellus in vulputate. Proin lobortis, felis et hendrerit ullamcorper, dui orci commodo augue, vitae feugiat urna sem ut justo. lorem ipsum dolor sit emet. Donec magna ligula, pulvinar non finibus at, mollis eget mi. Sed non rhoncus diam. Vivamus tincidunt eget massa ac convallis. Maecenas varius non dolor bibendum facilisis. Maecenas et lectus nunc. Sed tortor ex, ullamcorper vel aliquam sit amet. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.








featured couple







rules and guidelines


1. Favorite first. Upvoting is optional but loved.

2.This is a nonau and boys only roleplay so no girls are accepted. #sorrybutnotsorry

3. Everything is allowed, I don't really mind but please, no negative ooc wise like ooc drama and etc. The password is your favorite group.

4. Try to talk and respond to everyone. I mean, I know we are all sometimes busy but damn, you joined the roleplay for a reason.

5. Be active in rooms so people notice us and we can grow.

6. Reservation lasted for 2 days. if you have a valid reason then we will extend the period. The real password is Mansae!

7. One character per account (we will try to ask the head admin if we can give you guys the second character).




height not fixed. type as much as you wanna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed congue, ipsum id facilisis pretium, magna ligula fringilla nibh, eget auctor nulla nulla nec sem. Curabitur blandit auctor sapien vel aliquet. Donec sollicitudin lacus ut lectus consectetur volutpat. In pretium vitae tellus in vulputate. Proin lobortis, felis et hendrerit ullamcorper, dui orci commodo augue, vitae feugiat urna sem ut justo. lorem ipsum dolor sit emet.

how to
join boys be

check the masterlist first if your desire character is already taken or not. if not, comment at the comment section for your character to be added and reserved. if you're not sure on who you should be then please check the wishlist to quench our thirst. after we have accept your application, please put up a profile picture and introduce yourself in the welcome room. thank you.

full name
top or bottom


height not fixed. type as much as you wanna. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


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sunflower_prince 7 years ago
I miss this rp....
a1f2816ab4723fd10152 8 years ago
Daehyun is leaving. I'm sorry I was so inactive all the time. Once school started, I just got very slow...
tenshi- 8 years ago
Namjoon is leaving. Thank you for having me~
Skylights 8 years ago
Donghoon is leaving. ✌
sunflower_prince 8 years ago
I'm leaving Hansol...I apologize but I just lost my muse and decided to leave. thank you for having and bringing me back into the roleplay stuff. Wish you all the best and I love you all. Farewell children.
jibunrock 8 years ago
ki hong is gonna be on hiatus, not sure how long
until I find time to log on more
sunmoontruthbae 9 years ago
may i reserve sehun of exo?
SHINeewifey 9 years ago
Jae is taking his leave. thank you for the time here
sweetmusic6 9 years ago
Can you add and reserve Jr from Got7 please? Thanks^^
SHINeewifey 9 years ago
may i reserve jae of day6 ?
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