![THE MAIN IMAGE](http://i.imgur.com/MWvFunu.jpg)
![THE LINES OVER THE IMAGE](http://i.imgur.com/ykEbhth.png)
an rpr based roleplay
us both
nonau semicrack 1st&3rd allorientations
about us
everyone wants to find that special person. the one who they'd spend almost every day together, never getting sick of each other because that's just how much they mean to one another. just the both of them, against everything. every obstacle, challenge, difficulty they come across as a couple that they'd get through toether.
base account
- those who run this place.
rules and guidelines
001 // please favorite the thread. upvotes are loved and appreciated. 002 // comment down below for your desired character. one for each you have but must be of different groups. 003 // reservations are for 48 hours. 004 // this place is nonau and semi-crack. all orientations are allowed. 005 // no ooc drama please. if i get at least two complaints about you, you'll get kicked out without a warning. 006 // please be kind to everyone. no face-chasing. password is favourite choreography to any song. 007 // is allowed on walls, rated rooms and pm of course. 008 // inactivity timer is set to 5 days so if that red sign pops up, one warning will be sent before i kick you out. 009 // be active on walls and rooms too. crack is allowed in rooms but when it comes to walls, try to rp properly. 010 // comment if you're leaving or if you're going on a hiatus. 011 // have fun!
how to join
after favoriting the thread and commenting for your desired character, do follow this application then apply for your chosen character. please comment after applying.
full name ;
group ;
age ;
timezone ;
orientation ;
password ;
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