秋の嵐 - aki no arashi - roleplay review shop - NOW ACCEPTING REVIEW REQUESTS

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Last post 8 years ago
Welcome to the first ever roleplay review shop of Roleplay Republic! We are here to provide our opinions on roleplays as a little fun thing. We are firm believers of unbiased and fair reviews so please don't be scared to have us review you!
about us
Roleplays come and go. there is an endless amount to be discovered so you could join them. so everyone wants to know... what is considered a good roleplay? this is completely subjective but why not make it a little fun in trying to discover what works?

aki no arashi was created for the enjoyment of the admins by joining roleplays to see the families and friend groups that form there. We critique on 8 different categories: layout, admin commitment, muse-upkeep, welcomeness, writing abilities, activity, originality, and conflict resolution. We may not stay there long but we still love our time joining the roleplays and discovering all the wonderful people that reside inside. we only wish to help roleplays along so they know where they can imiprove. ALL THE REVIEWS ARE GUARANTEED TO BE FAIR AND UNBIASED.

hugs and kisses from the admin team! 
one. Comment the name of your roleplay below if you wish to be reviewed.
two. Please completely fill out the application.
three. if you wish to become a reviewer, please comment.
four. Please be patient and respectful.
five. Any rudeness towards the reviewers over any review may lead you to being blacklisted.
six. Only the main admins of the roleplay are allowed to submit the want for a review. (We don't want to review someone only to find out the main admin was completely against it and upset with our review)
seven. If you have any suggestions or questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!.
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status list
family // flo // 10% done
idols turned supernatural // flo // 0% done
pancakes 3.0 // gen // pending
roleplay // reviewer // 50% done
roleplay // reviewer // 50% done
roleplay // reviewer // 50% done
roleplay // reviewer // 50% done
roleplay // reviewer // 50% done


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pixels 8 years ago
i thought i was one of very few still interested in reviewing rps
let me know if you guys ever need help with anything bc i loVe tHISSSSS
bbepeu 8 years ago
here is my application for the roleplay layout i think?
roleplay name: pancakes 3.0.

roleplay opening date: october 7/8 (not sure yet)

roleplay themes/tags: sweets/pancakes, pastel yellow and pink themed (nonau, all orientations, first pov, third pov basically all povs, crackish, etc.)

which reviewer do you prefer? : tbh anyone is fine like im fine with anybody-

am i the head admin ? : yes and no because im taking over my friend's roleplay and being the head admin now.
bbepeu 8 years ago
oh my god this is- beautiful- ♡ v ♡
forsaken_flower 8 years ago
OMG---- *kinda wants to be a reviewer... kinda wants my rps to be reviewed*
BlackRabbit 8 years ago
E u E

Y'all did the thing ♡♡♡
3ed9e3ac246d384a3289 8 years ago
ohmygod this is precious ; ; <3
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