About The Roleplay
Gaia is made up of three unnamed continents; one in the east, one in the west and one in the north. Two thousand years ago Gaia was home to an ancient nomadic group of people called the Cetra in which they could commune with the planet itself. Humans have inhabited Gaia. The world is slowly dying.
Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque lectus sapien, porttitor in gravida vitae, dapibus et nisi. Maecenas consequat, leo eu malesuada rutrum, enim massa feugiat nisl, a ornare libero nisl eget sapien. Praesent a imperdiet ante. Proin finibus diam sed metus hendrerit tempor. Morbi maximus sapien non pharetra tempor. Integer dolor risus, finibus eget commodo sed, mollis eget ipsum. Suspendisse tellus neque, gravida non maximus sed, posuere ut urna. Aenean varius laoreet leo, ac porta odio interdum vel. Ut viverra velit vel purus pellentesque tristique. Etiam ac mattis lectus.
Fusce placerat facilisis pulvinar. Nam nec dui feugiat, vulputate ex id, accumsan enim. Etiam vel blandit nisi, vitae convallis urna. Vestibulum porta, mauris sed commodo feugiat, metus mi imperdiet elit, vel sagittis lacus nibh id nisi. Quisque vehicula libero ac mauris sodales malesuada. Aenean quis elit et lorem elementum eleifend quis gravida odio. Nunc leo neque, dapibus eget dolor in, iaculis tincidunt lectus. Donec sit amet euismod lorem. Aenean laoreet risus nec malesuada tempus. Etiam at eleifend felis. Fusce eros ante, congue sit amet commodo non, aliquam vehicula nisl. Duis maximus nibh est, a cursus erat fringilla sit amet.
Rules and Guidelines
01 : Favorite the roleplay.
02 : Please do use the rooms and do not just stick to walls; where is the fun in that? Keep the place active.
03: Inactivity is set for 10 days; you will receive one warning before being kicked out.
04: Second characters will be allowed when you reach over 500 points and have proved to the admins you will remain active.
05: All orientations are allowed; this roleplay is not just limited to male FF characters.
How to Join / Application Form
00 : Favorite the roleplay.
00 : Ensure you have read all the rules by including a second password which you will find in the guidelines. (the bolded letters).
00 : The password is your favorite character from any of the Final Fantasy installments.
Application Form
Character > Movie/Game in which they are from > Password.
Main Admin.
open as of 30 04 2017
final fantasy au
Total / 007
male / 005
female / 002
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