Fre Sh A Voca Do/ INTERNET GRAVYARD ⍢ time for the dead memes and vines to become the living dead and be remembered ⍢ DAMN DANIEL. Back at it again with the white vans/ NON AU / ALL ORIENTATION/ NEW AND ACCEPTING

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Last post 7 years ago
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pepe will never die bc i ain't never gonna stop lovin you......

est. 17 Mon 0000

About the rp

Nothing makes a better laugh than looking at a meme. there's old ones and new one and gonna be new memes but lets not forget the old memes that made memes great like they are today. they deserve a nice rememberence once in a while because there shouldn't be a wall built to make worldica great again and if you think otherwise cash me ousside - ronold pump

optional subsection

Proin suscipit egestas feugiat. Fusce non tincidunt turpis, eget convallis risus. Nunc a nulla vitae neque viverra faucibus. Donec pretium sem ut tempor condimentum. Aenean sed est imperdiet, ultricies tortor in, imperdiet nunc. Morbi fermentum magna in aliquet ullamcorper. Cras non euismod arcu, eu accumsan quam. Nullam blandit massa arcu, in tincidunt orci aliquet vitae. Cras nunc diam, blandit vel hendrerit sed, finibus eu lectus..


For any notes you may have about the descirption or the roleplay.

rules & guidelines

ONE no drama

TWO Please favorite before applying

THREE application is your favorite meme or vine btw mine is the guy that gets into a karate pose cuz he scared lmfaoo

FOUR And have fun



For any notes you may have about the rules and guidelines.

How to Join & App

ONE Sed dictum ante vitae scelerisque placerat.

TWO Nunc eget est sed sem congue fermentum. Maecenas consequat risus in bibendum rhoncus.

THREE Cras lacinia odio et turpis ornare convallis. Nulla ut tortor sed orci porta vehicula at a nulla. Suspendisse at metus id dolor interdum dapibus.


Trivia: here

Trivia: here

Trivia: here

Trivia: here

Trivia: here


For any notes you may have about joining or the application form.




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-goddess 7 years ago
im screeching what
-Sugarly 7 years ago
I'm crying what is this
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