A Song of Ice and Fire || A GoT RP || Comment to reserve your peeps

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Integer sollicitudin efficitur dui. Morbi commodo tincidunt urna ut fringilla. Donec consequat, dui vitae consectetur maximus, magna sapien pulvinar ante, eu dignissim quam dui sed diam. Curabitur ac auctor ex. Pellentesque et ipsum lacinia, auctor mi a, commodo turpis. Aenean massa ante, pharetra nec magna accumsan, tempor dictum felis. Fusce felis eros, iaculis non quam ac, rutrum hendrerit felis.

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roleplay trivia
roleplay trivia
roleplay trivia

About the rp

Welcome to westeros. This rp takes place in an alternate game of thrones universe, but basically follows the same idea of the series. it is after the fall of the mad king, and the iron throne is up for grabs.

optional subsection

Proin suscipit egestas feugiat. Fusce non tincidunt turpis, eget convallis risus. Nunc a nulla vitae neque viverra faucibus. Donec pretium sem ut tempor condimentum. Aenean sed est imperdiet, ultricies tortor in, imperdiet nunc. Morbi fermentum magna in aliquet ullamcorper. Cras non euismod arcu, eu accumsan quam. Nullam blandit massa arcu, in tincidunt orci aliquet vitae. Cras nunc diam, blandit vel hendrerit sed, finibus eu lectus..


For any notes you may have about the descirption or the roleplay.

rules & guidelines

ONE Favorite the rp. You will not be accepted if you don't favorite.

TWO You can apply for as many characters as you want, but be considerate and active. inactive characters will be removed.

THREE No metagaming or powerplaying. also no godmodding.

FOUR Respect people ooc.

FIVE check positions to decide what you want your character to be in the kingdom.

SIX all in rated m rooms.

SEVEN Pellentesque suscipit leo nec elit fringilla, vel lobortis enim aliquam. Vivamus non massa hendrerit, iaculis est sit amet, placerat quam. Cras venenatis lorem et nunc sodales viverra.

EIGHT Donec finibus lacus varius vehicula laoreet. Aliquam interdum nisi vehicula leo rutrum, nec porttitor turpis bibendum.

NINE Aenean euismod magna id rutrum tristique.

TEN Nunc eu eros nec orci laoreet tempor vel vitae sem. Vivamus imperdiet ante scelerisque sem sollicitudin vestibulum.


For any notes you may have about the rules and guidelines.

How to Join & App

ONE Check the masterlist please

TWO comment below for your character(s)

THREE Fill out the application.


Name: Ashley Choi

Age: 27

Title: Queen of the seven kingdoms

Position: Queen

Home: King's Landing


For any notes you may have about joining or the application form.




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