O1 — Favourite the roleplay if you are interested in joining.
O2 — Make sure you read all of the rules and understand that if you do not abide by them you will be removed from the roleplay effective immediately.
O3 — Do not start out of character drama, and try to keep the in character drama tolerable. In character drama is allowed but that does not give you the right to make others uncomfortable.
O4 — Do not attmept to join the roleplay if all you plan to do is waste time in the chatrooms. You should be here to roleplay.
O5 — You may request any faceclaim that comes to mind, but they must be alive, an actual person, and eighteen or older. You are only allowed one male and one female for the time being, so choose wisely.
O6 — This roleplay is a freeverse roleplay, meaning you can and should do whatever the hell you want with your character. You have the creative freedom to make your ideal character, whether they be from an au or a nonau or both. Just to confirm you read the rules, the p@/ss.w/o/rd is the definition of the word idyll or idyllic.
O7 — Because this is a serious roleplay, it is expected that you will not be cracking all over the place. Please treat this roleplay as if you were legitimately your character once accepted and play them however you actually envisioned them.
O8 — Your application will automatically be pasted to your profile for you and it will count as you having your profile done. If you want to use a layout and make an official layout, you can, but it is not required.
O9 — This roleplay will not be chat based, so it does not and should not matter how active the roleplay is, but we ask that you post on walls or in rooms at least once a week. Other than that, post and roleplay at your leisure.
1O — Have fun and do what you came here for. If you do not have at least three active threads after one week of being in the roleplay, you will be removed.
how to join.
Half of your actual application will be done in the comments section, and the other half in your official app. You are required to fill out all items of the form unless stated other wise. Do not request a character to be added. They will be added for you when you send in your comment. You will be given further instructions on how to officially apply once you have been cleared. If you want to apply for two characters, simply fill out two apps in your comment.
— Full name of faceclaim:
— Faceclaim's name in the roleplay: (If you want it to differ.)
— Faceclaim's age and date of birth:
— AU, Semi-AU, or Both?
— Your time zone: (In GMT format)
— Your preferred writing style:
— Your preferred point of view:
— What is the password?
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