✿ Aster University ✿ please join us!! college au

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Admin(s)Cheese and torterra-
Last post 6 years ago
aster university
EST. 2018
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section : statics
typecollege au
statusopen + accepting
eventnone currently
noticefavorite the rp
otherjoin for hugs and kisses
section : featured
name here
name here
section : featured track
track title
section : admins
college president
Gmt -6
College dean
gmt -6
admin name
admin name
admin name
section : infobox
welcome to aster unIversity! the place of your hopes and dreams. full time student, part time student, or faculty and staff - please come and join us and help us make our campus a warm and comforting place. for the students living on campus with us, we want the school to feel as much like home as possible, but without their nagging parents around! 
section : guidlines
001 // Favoriting is a must, up-vote is optional but mandatory for a second character.
002 // check the masterlist. if your muse is available (not taken) comment below for them.
003 //  The inactivity is set to 14 days, if you happen to fall inactive, you will be given a 24 hour warning before being removed from the rp. 
004 // please be active, use the rooms they were made for a reason. 
005 // if you are leaving or going on a hiatus then please pm the admins, to let them know do not leave a comment below. indefinite hiatus are not accepted. 
006 // all povs, orientations and nationalities are welcome here! 
007 // There is no dating ban
008 // please be nice and friendly to everyone
009 // you may choose to have a dorm room if you live on campus. if you do request a room, please use it. it's a lot of work to make rooms for them to just be left empty. i meant it.
010 // you will be paired with roommates randomly.
011 // if you choose to live off campus, you will not get a room in the rp.
012 // this is a college au, but we will not be holding 'classes'. you can rp as if you are going to class, but they will not be mandatory.
013 // there will, however, be events according to the time of the school year, including holiday breaks and such.
014 // the password is - your favorite flower
015 // HAVE fun!!!
section : application
full nameex. shay mitchell
ageex. 31
orientationex. lesbian
majorex. computer science
room on campus?yes or no
graduate/undergradstudents only
yearstudents only - ex. sophomore
timezoneex. gmt -6
passwordread the rules


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046b1a71f747eee539c7 6 years ago
emma and soomin will be leaving
[comment deleted by owner]
046b1a71f747eee539c7 6 years ago
emma roberts and lee serin (kasper) pls
clever 6 years ago
should iiiiiiiii????????????
park jimin......................
rogue_knight 6 years ago
You got my attention.
TBH lazy way is the best way. XD
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