Anyone interested in doing a taekook rp?

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Hello! I hope this is the way you post asking if anyone wants to rp(?)

I'm completely new here and have never been on this site before, .. so yeah lol 

I was wondering if anyone is willing to rp Jungkook? I'll be honest and say I haven't rped BTS before (fml) but I've always wanted to rp Taehyung in a Taekook rp so yeah. x3 Uhm.. maybe we could make up the plot and brainstorm together and stuff 'cuz I haven't really thought of anything specific? I'm pretty much up for anything and certainly don't mind . Oh! And I'm looking for a long term rp if you could call it that. Like, one that lasts for a while? lol Idk whatever 
AAAAAAh.. I guess that's all. x) 


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subkookie 5 years ago
hey im interested :)
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