SC Nero || The Life of a Space Pirate || JOIN OUR CREW TODAY!!! || Seeking Co-Admins

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          SC Nero.
The life of a Space Pirate...
The SC Nero is a space cruiser home to some unsavoury folks. They spend their time traversing the universe and invading unsuspecting planets in order to take whatever they can find that is valuable, be that treasures, foods, machine parts, or even people.
They might have a less than ideal reputation, but surprisingly those who have had direct encounters with them have described them as reasonable, and those that have been aboard their ship have found them to be a entertaining bunch to hang out with.

The life of a space pirate is a twisted one, having to find a way to keep doing what is necessary while trying to enjoy themselves.
Now, who are you, and why are you here?
How to join
First, reserve your characters name.
Second, fill out your application.
Third, once accepted, please comment in the role room.

Special Fields in the Application:
Races: This refers to human, Android, or various alien races. If you're an alien, you can use an established species or create your own. If you create your own you will have to answer a few questions.

Role: What role do you play aboard the SC Nero? If not SC Nero crew, please state the name of your ship and what the ship is doing (ie merchant ship, galactic federation ship, bounty hunters etc).

Fun Fact: Give us something that we'll remember your character by. Don't just use something specific to their race or dimension, but something that sets them apart from what their norm should be.
men: 00
women: 00
1. Please favourite before joining! upvotes are not needed but v appreciated!
2. We do not accept any OOC drama of any kind. If you find you're having problems, message an admin asap and the problem will be rectified.
3. Remember you are different from your characters. Regular muses and OCs are both allowed, but no well known faces are allowed for OCs. You can change your faces age as appropriate for aliens.
4. All muses used must be over 18. All characters must be of age for their race (humans 18+, Jaivyer 20+, Androids unlimited)
5. No god-modding, fairly standard rule, no power play or meta-gaming as well.
6.Pretty much anything goes. the only forbidden topics are: , ia, animal abuse and permadeath. As such, this could become a fairly mature RP, make sure to read your roleplay partners profiles for their triggers and always ask for consent if doing something that isn't pre-planned.
7. Have a basic profile set up within 48 hours upon joining.
8. 2 week dating ban. Password is your favourite sci-fi book, movie, or comic.
9. Multiple characters are allowed but each additional character has requirements. Check out the points redemption room for more information.
10. You must earn 10 points within seven days. Points can be earned in any room other than the ooc chat. That's less than two points a day. To be matched you must have 50 points.
11. There is a strike system in place. If you do something to earn a strike, you will be messaged by an admin; do not delete strike messages.
12. If you're going to leave the roleplay, please tell and admin AND your partners. It's unfair on them. Don't just leave without telling them.
13. Have fun! Be creative! Plot with as many people as you can!
Name and Age
Fun Fact
Seti Rayen
10/03/2021 -  Grand Opening

09/03/2021 -      Pre-Opening


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Beelzebub 3 years ago
Sorry, I am late.
TheHermit 3 years ago
Can I get Lee Felix plz ? :D
63d328e4d30a2b03325e 3 years ago
Oh this is absolutely beautiful. I can't wait.
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