In the middle of the City hidden behind a big black door inlaid with gold is a place that can be considered both hell and heaven for those setting foot into it. The smell of luxury, the musk of seduction and the aroma of violence all fill this place with a sense of extravagance. Every night as the stars rise to the sky the Club of Stars opens its doors and the stars of the club flog around the centre stage where Master Jake holds reign over the fighter of the club. Each night a special fight for dominance between the two fighters is displayed for the stars to bet on. A mix of violence and lust fills the centre stage while the other fighters entertain the guests praying to not be chosen to fight tomorrow.
Filling the night with entertainment and ridding the rich powerful stars of the club of their boredom this Place is known as the heaven of the rich and hell for the rest.
Welcome to the Club of Stars where Hell can be Heaven and Heaven can be Hell
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