Badman Acad.
school gang au
Founded on: 08.03.2013
Founded by: Eclair-
Population: 00
Founded by: Eclair-
Population: 00
about us
Badman Highschool is a school located somewhere at the edge of the busy city of Seoul, South Korea. It's not filled with skirts and bubbly personalities - it is an institute exclusively for boys wherein any sort of crack, delinquent, bastard, creep, freak, misfit, your own kind of abnormal is welcome. It is an institution where you will find your place, meet people with the same situation and interests, people with different pasts... or perhaps the love of your life?
Now, come to class and do whatever you want. Oh , why are we even called a school.
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> NEWEST COUPLE: name [00/00]
![Headmaster Thunder (Eclair-) tumblr_mmac07fTno1ryeedmo6_250.png](http://data2.whicdn.com/images/110085414/large.jpg)
![Admin Name d46f511b67c413bd13554fb92c26939f.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/a3ugybt.png)
![Admin Name 3f6c4f6b728d2cde77284e82fe2cbb7b.jpg](http://i.imgur.com/a3ugybt.png)
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