Desire is very powerful

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Saya sighed as she walked through the town in London. The feeling of emptiness filled her watching all the couples hold hands in the streets obversely in love. She had an overwhelming desire to be loved by someone but doubts it'll happen. Her unusually colored bright purple eyes scanned the shop windows as the wind started to pick up making her waist length black and white hair blow back. Her black corset dress set off her pale skin nicely. She quickly walked to an ally way sliding down the wall and sitting down. The desire to scream and cry even has lately become to much for her. She hugged her knees to her chest as tears started filling up in her eyes and rolling down her cheeks. One tear then another fell not stopping as she bit her lip to stop from sobbing outloud. It felt like she was slowly coming undone as the loniess in her heart intensifed.


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