ABOUT. Located in the far country of South Korea, is the Sunny Days Addiction Correction Facility. SD for short. Here you will find many people of many ages all in the same building. It was once an old mansion before it was turned into what is now a new home for it's patients. Each is assigned a room as their living quarters during their stay. The doctors and caretakers are their to help the patients break through their addiction so they may go back home. On certain days, family members are able to visit their loved ones here. Each day, a patient hopes and hopes to go home, only to have this dream crushed sometimes. That is why everyone strives to break their addiction.
sunny days addiction correction facility
Roleplay established in 16/feb/2014
by FairyTail
001. Officially opened to the public! :D
002. Aenean vitae nulla elit, in viverra enim. Integer ornare scelerisque justo vel ullamcorper.
003. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
004. Vestibulum dui orci, volutpat vitae pharetra id, accumsan non quam.
005. Morbi risus nisl, pellentesque eget posuere eu, elementum vitae orci. In consequat tellus blandit dui elementum lacinia. Curabitur blandit, libero et sollicitudin pharetra, nulla mi pharetra eros, eget iaculis lacus sem in quam.
006. Donec in nisl lectus. Praesent vel tortor erat. Praesent interdum ullamcorper felis quis sodales.
Hae + Kyu
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