▹After School dorm

After School dorm♡



we have a bar.. Now

The Cutest Kitten, Yeri ♥ 9 years ago
@Nana Aka The iest ♥ hmm?
-looks at you quietly then lies there-
that could be right actually
-chuckles softly and snuggles you as you eat-
Nana Aka The iest ♥ [A] 9 years ago
@The Cutest Kitten, Yeri ♥ Okei~
/laughs softly and begins to eat happily, blinking at your question
Hmmm, I dunno
Maybe cuz I'm in it!
The Cutest Kitten, Yeri ♥ 9 years ago
@Nana Aka The iest ♥ never mind that dear, just enjoy breakfast
-yawns then gently nuzzles your arm-
I wonder though, why your bed is more comfier then mine
Nana Aka The iest ♥ [A] 9 years ago
@The Cutest Kitten, Yeri ♥ You used the same-
W hat?!
/blinks confusedly
The Cutest Kitten, Yeri ♥ 9 years ago
@Nana Aka The iest ♥ Its OK, not a problem
-crawls over to you and lies down next to you-
I might of accidetly put some bits of cactus into your food because we used the same benc as kaeunnie when she was making her cigar
Nana Aka The iest ♥ [A] 9 years ago
@The Cutest Kitten, Yeri ♥ I do-
Thenk you-
Why would it taste like cactus-
I really do
The Cutest Kitten, Yeri ♥ 9 years ago
@Nana Aka The iest ♥ Your wheezing
I hope you like it umma
-curls up at the bottom of your bed-
Sorry if it tastes like cactus
Nana Aka The iest ♥ [A] 9 years ago
@The Cutest Kitten, Yeri ♥ /w heezes happily and takes the breakfast
Thanks bby ♥
The Cutest Kitten, Yeri ♥ 9 years ago
@Nana Aka The iest ♥ Umma
-shuffles over to you and sits on your bed before handing you breakfast-



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warblade 7 years ago
junielkim 9 years ago
applying as an admin. Can I?
ForeverRealTaeNy 9 years ago
Haii can you add snsd's kid leader taeyeonnie~
ed40a3a21b039f152d4d [A] 9 years ago
I'm confuzzled
0aae4310e59094903ed5 9 years ago
Irene left, sorry ;;
PaboBoy 9 years ago
can you add Huang Zitao?
JinJina 9 years ago
A boy is very much preferred-
prettygurl 9 years ago
Applied as Bang Minah ^^
SnakeMan 9 years ago
hmm lizzy called me to join... make this place active heh.. im here
Gengar92 9 years ago
Hey nana
Missed me
Kim yooooojin!!'
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