▲: starbucks






energize yourself people           


L.Joe 10 years ago
@Nana "What's my problem!?" L.Joe yelled, just as loud as the girl and returning the murderous glare as he tried to pull his sticky shirt from his chest. "If anything at all, it's /your/ problem! You just ruined my favorite shirt (not to mention it was white)!" Shaking his head, L.Joe breathed out and let go of the shirt. "And I didn't just stomp all over here! You're the one who was walking too fast!" His mind didn't even comprehend the fact that he was making a scene, much less making himself look bad for yelling at a girl. Feeling a tap on his shoulder, he turned to see one of the workers. "Excuse me sir, but could you please leave? You're causing a ruckus in the shop." L.Joe wanted to snap at the man as well, but held his tongue and shoved his hand off, his chest still burning from the hot coffee. He didn't notice as another worker also told the woman to leave, as he stormed out of the shop and onto the street. Great. Here he was, standing in the middle of the street, hot coffee burning his skin, and probably looking like a fool because of the giant stain now over taking the fabric of his shirt.
L.Joe 10 years ago
@Nana L.Joe was sitting by the window at the front of the coffee shop, looking out at the moving traffic and people walking down the street. Today for him was, surprisingly, average, and technically, that could be good and bad. If something made him happy today, it would be fine. If something made him angry, well that was a whole 'nother story. Sighing in boredom, he decided to leave the shop as he had finished his coffee, and threw it in the waste basket as he stood up. Walking towards the exit, he passed by the counter where people were ordering, not noticing as a woman suddenly turned around and bother bumped into each other. Next thing he knew, he was stumbling back, a burning sensation covering his torso as he realized she had spilled her drink all over him. He looked up at her, mouth open as a slight glare came over his features. "Watch where you're going!" he said, clenching his fists at his sides as the coffee currently soaking his shirt started to cool down just a bit.
L.Joe 10 years ago
*rolls away with v-card*


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-hanana 10 years ago
the baby jung is
leaving. o/
photobook 10 years ago
after a long time thinking,
i guess, seohyun will take
her leave. i wish i can be
more active in here thou. ;;
nemjohns 10 years ago
lay is leaving o/
cheriblossom 10 years ago
yura left, sorry o A o
mobster 10 years ago
Hi. Sorry but I'm leaving. I'm not active and I don't want to be a burden. Thanks for the opportunity. Bye.
a3dbf7b945285306601c 10 years ago
shiyoon left.
vanille 10 years ago
Myungsoo left, sorry ;;
sebongies 10 years ago
dyo left. ;-;
sorry, leaving all my characters
i'm not active with.
sebongies 10 years ago
applied as d.o :)
antonia- 10 years ago
mianhae, sulli left.
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