» sunflower field

-sunflower field



> small pokemon prefer to sleep here, using the long stems as shade from the sun.
























✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan immediately shuts his eyes tightly as he also now wraps his legs around Hyesung's waist to secure himself from possibly falling due to the fast pace.
"I hope I get used to this soon..." he mutters to himself quietly as he clings to Hyesung for dear life, scared that he might possibly fall.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan "Neh. That's only a bit aways from here." he spoke quietly before smiling at Himchan and nodding. "We'll go there then. Are you holding on tight?" he asked before looking towards the area they were going to.
With that, he started flying again towards the area, the wind whipping around the two of them as he held onto Himchan tightly and made sure he wouldn't fall during the fast pace.
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan notices the empty areas and nods. "Let's try those areas. Try going to the closest one. It's getting a bit late so we should land there and make camp," Himchan says softly.
On the inside Himchan hopes that they land in a forest so Hyesung could be able to find food and be safe from bad people.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan Hyesung nodded in understanding before looking at the map as well. Looking over all sixteen areas, he noted a couple areas on the map that hadn't been marked. Maybe the plate they were looking for was somewhere in those areas.
"Maybe it's in one of these." he said, making sure Himchan was holding on tightly to him before using one hand to point at the unmarked locations. "Where should we go first?" he then asked, moving his hand back to hold Himchan up before looking at him.
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan looks up at Hyesung shyly and replies, "They are usually hidden. I found the Draco Plate first and completely tripped over it. Since finding that I usually found them hidden. Whenever I was near a plate I would usually see something glowing faintly or sparkling."
He grabs his Pokegear that was around his neck and opens it to the map setting where sixteen areas were marked. "The marked areas are where I found the plates."
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan Hyesung blinked when he felt Himchan's eyes on him and looked down, only for the other to bury their face in his chest. He gave a small laugh before looking around the air and shrugging his shoulders slightly, tightening his grip slightly to reassure him everything would be alright.
"Wherever." he said. "Maybe it would help to know where you usually find the plates? Are they normally hidden, or just, you know, out there?" he asked in a quiet tone, hoping it would help Himchan calm down. He could hear his fast heartbeat but decided not to say anything about it.
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung As soon as they leave the ground Himchan shrieks and hides his face in Hyesung's chest. It was an absolute adrenaline rush yet utterly terrifying at the same time.
Once he finally calmed down, Himchan shyly looked at Hyesung in awe but immediately blushes a deep shade of red when he looks back at him. Almost like instinct, Himchan hides his face in Hyesung's neck hoping that he isn't looking at him right now, feeling utterly embarrassed.
"W-Where to?" he asks shyly, still hiding his blushing features. He didn't want the other to see his face and be teased about it, although his fast beating heart was not helping a single bit.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan "I won't drop you." Hyesung said and smiled. "It's not like it's my first time flying with someone.
Somehow he was able to control the blush on his cheeks as Himchan held onto his neck and nodded slightly. "It's alright." he spoke, moving to hold onto the other so he wouldn't fall off. "You're not heavy at all. Besides, flying is fun."
With that, his wheel turned blue and the jewels turned white, his eyes glowing blue as he used the Sky Plate. "Let's go." he said, and jumped into the air while holding tightly onto Himchan, the flowers below them getting smaller and smaller before he slowed their climb to a stop and seemed to float in the air above the field.
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan shyly steps forward and nods. "I'm ready. Just don't drop me okay? I've faced death right in the eye enough times this week," he says softly.
He then gently wraps his arms around Hyesung's neck, a bright blush on his cheeks and asks, "I-Is it okay if I h-hold onto you like this? I won't be too heavy... right?"
Himchan had never experienced flying before and was excited yet absolutely terrified at the same time. He doesn't have a fear of heights, just a fear of falling.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan Hyesung nodded a bit absentmindedly as he listened, though not very carefully. He was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed that Himchan was next to him again, the Sky Plate in his hands.
"That would be better." he spoke quietly and nodded with a small smile before taking the plate in his hands. Two plates right now wouldn't be so bad, right? His fingers stung a little as the plate flowed white just like the Draco plate before, and it disappeared in the tips of his fingers. His wheel turned blue for a moment before fading back to gold and he laughed lightly. 'And I'll protect you when you can't.' he said in his own head, make a silent vow to himself before smiling.
"So do you want to fly now?"
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan smiles and says, "I wouldn't mind at all. Who knows? We may even become friends, a team even."
He walks to Hyesung, with the Sky Plate in his hands.
"Maybe if you take the Sky Plate now we'll be able to fly and get to areas faster. That way we won't risk bad guys finding us or the plates. If things get bad I'll protect you Hyesung!" he says smiling.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan Hyesung nodded and blinked while watching the other.
"You mean...you wouldn't mind travelling all that way?" he asked, the tiniest bit of his hope evident in his voice. Although Hyesung usually traveled alone, he felt it would be okay to have a companion at least. Not just because he had the plates, but also because, well, he hoped for a friend or something more most of the time, just like now.
"That's good." he sighed under his breath slightly happy, mostly to himself. 'Now I won't be so alone.' he thought right after.
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung "Honestly I'm not even sure if it is here, but the plates will glow when they're near each other," Himchan explains as he carefully looks around. After he first found the Draco Plate, he discovered the other plates using this method.
"If it's not here then we'll have to keep moving. We'll probably have to travel the ends of the Earth just to find it. But it won't be as bad now having a companion with me," Himchan says smiling at Hyesung as he stands upright, unable to find the final plate in the area.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan "Are you sure it's here though?" he asked, pulling the jacket around him as he allowed his wheel to shrink a bit. Hyesung couldn't sense anything in the surrounding area, and he usually did when he felt the plates. Why didn't here before though?
It was probably due to the fact he didn't have a plate before, until the Draco Plate that is. Now he could feel the energy from the the other plates inside the bag mingling with each other. It was a warm feeling.
"If it's not here, I don't want to inconvenience you by having to travel far."
In truth, Hyesung would probably travel the ends of the Earth just to find the last plate, and he didn't want anyone to suffer by having to travel with him. Maybe he could find someone that liked travelling, and would put up with him? He didn't even now if this boy here liked travelling at all, even if he mentioned doing it.
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan smiles and nods.
"Alright Hyesung. Well I looking through most of this area already. How about we look around a tiny bit more to find the Pixie Plate? That's the only one left to find," Himchan says softly.
He then takes off his jacket and puts it on Hyesung to cover his wheel. "Wearing this will help keep other people from finding out about you. It'll hide your wheel."
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan Hyesung nodded and watched as he closed the bag again, the plates inside.
"Ah, neh." he replied in a quiet voice, tentatively reaching out to take the other's hand. Helping himself up, he stood up straight now and dusted himself off.
"You, already know who I am...but I don't want people to find out about me." he said, more so to himself before smiling in the slightest. "So you can call me Hyesung. Somebody used to call me that." he spoke, and that somebody had been a person Hyesung would much rather not remember right now.
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan nods, understanding and says, "I'll hold them for the time being and you can take them back at the pace that you wish." He smiles softly and closes his backpack and puts it back over his shoulders.
"Since we'll be traveling buddies I think I should introduce myself. I'm Himchan nice to meet you," he says smiling holding his hand out, hoping that the other would shake it.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan Blinking as the other opened his bag, Hyesung looked inside and noted the yes, most of the plates were in there. He couldn't take them all now though. They'd been separated from him for too long. It would take a while for his body and the plates to accept each other, but he guessed waiting just a bit longer wouldn't be as bad as how long he had waited before. Besides, he had one of them with him now. It was enough for the time being.
"T-travel?" he stuttered (and cursed himself for doing) as he looked back up at the other. Biting his lip lightly, he wondered if he should accept or not. He still didn't know if the other was being truthful or just wanted to trick him, but they seemed nice enough.
Hyesung stopped biting his lip and nodded slowly. "Neh, but I can't take these all right now." he spoke and pushed the bag away lightly. "It'd be too much for me to handle, even if I am...what I am."
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan chuckles and replies, "I honestly have no idea. Who knows? Maybe I was meant to find them. Take a look in my bag."
As Himchan opens the bag he reveals all of the plates he had found. Since the Draco Plate was returned there were fifteen other plates still in his bag, only one left to find.
"Since it looks like I have a good eye, would you like to travel with me to find your last plate?" Himchan offers as he hands his backpack to the other, allowing to take the plates back.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan Hyesung blushed darkly again because of his outburst and the close proximity, noting that the other was now indeed holding onto his hands. He nodded, also surprised to hear that they had found more of the plates.
"B-but they ripped them all away!" he suddenly blurted, not really wanting to let that part go. The reason they were gone was because of some organization that had managed to catch him. They wanted the plates to power their machine but someone stopped them, and all the plates went missing.
"How could you find them?" he wondered aloud in a quiet voice. It was all quite mysterious.
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan smiles and says, "Traveling without pokemon made me more alert of my surroundings. Sure I almost get killed a lot but I've found some pretty amazing things. Also your secret is safe with me. I already knew who you really were for a bit now. I found most of the other plates too, if you'd like to have them back."
Noticing the other was still freaking out Himchan gently holds the other's hands and says, "I'm not going to hurt you again. I promise."
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan Hyesung breathed out in relief once the jewel was back in its place. He lifted his head slightly to watch as the other moved back. For a moment he though they were going to do something bad and prepared himself by bringing his arms up slightly, before he realized what they were pulling out of their bag.
"Eh?" he said under his breath before reaching out slightly and lifting his head up completely. Hyesung had thought all the plates were gone, never to be seen again. He can't even remember the last time he had seen one. Once he took it in both hands, it started glowing white before disappearing in the tips of his fingers. His wheel turned purple, signalling he had the plate with him before it faded back to gold.
Suddenly realizing that now the other would recognize him (though he didn't know they already had) he looked up worried and made waving motions with his hands, panicked now. "Please don't tell anyone!"
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan takes the jewel and gently puts it back in the notch. That's when it hit him. The person in front of him was the legendary pokemon Arceus! Knowing that the other wouldn't like others spreading his identity Himchan decided to be quiet about it. He then remembered a certain item that he found a while back and takes it out. The item was a Draco Plate an item which powers up Dragon Type attacks, but something special for the pokemon Arceus.
"Take this as a token of my apology for hurting you.." Himchan says quietly handing the other the Draco Plate.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan Hyesung felt the tiniest bit guilty from ripping it out of the other's hand, but only the tiniest bit. His face burned from embarrassment at not being able to put it back himself, but he put it in the boy's hand anyways and looked down at his lap.
"Please." he said quietly, trying to hide his embarrassment again. His pride was too high to actually let anyone help him, but he realized he'd just make a fool of himself trying to put it back himself when he couldn't. With his face still burning, he sat there waiting, hoping his fringe would hide the redness on his cheeks.
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan was caught off guard when the jewel was snatched out of his hand when he was intending to return it to him. It must be something very precious. It made Himchan think very hard on what pokemon the boy in front of him was, but he decided to let it go for now noticing how the other was having difficulty putting the jewel back where it belonged.
Himchan quietly holds his hands out and says softly, "Would you like for me to put the jewel back where it belongs? I know which notch it fell out of when I picked it up from the ground."
For all of the trouble Himchan caused it was the least that he could do.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan "Hmph." Hyesung made a noise under his breath but crossed his arms anyway to move them away from his head. He hated the feeling of other people touching his hair, which was just a reflex but no matter what he still hated it.
The stinging was nothing compared to other things so he barely noticed it before noticing the other pick something up from the ground. "That's one of the jewels!" he suddenly yelled, taking it from the other's hand and looking it over. The good thing was that his wheel was still connected to his back, and didn't necessarily come off. It was a part of him. The jewels could fall out though. Most of the time they would fall out on their own and a new one would replace it but if it was taken out by force, a new one wouldn't come back.
Bringing his hand back to his 'wings' he tried to figure out which notch the jewel fell out of but realized he couldn't since his wheel were behind him.
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan finally finds his first aid kit and says softly, "Here let me check your head... It's the least I can do for what I did."
Himchan slowly moved out of the other's lap and carefully inspected his head. There was only a small bump forming to Himchan's relief as he takes out his pain relief spray (basically like a potion) and says, "This may sting a tiny bit so be warned."
As Himchan spray the other's forming bump Himchan sees something strange and picks it up, turning out to be the other's wheel. "Is this yours?" he asks holding it up to the other.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan Hyesung was brought back down to Earth when he heard the sudden worried voice and blinked, looking up to be met with another face. His brows furrowed in thought before he suddenly remembered that this was the person who just tackled him to the ground.
Sitting up slightly, his pout went away and was replaced by a slightly angry expression but hey, you'd be angry too if you were just attacked for no reason. Besides, this human was weird in his eyes. Instead of answering for now, he reached behind him to make sure his wheel (which looks like two gold wings kinda) wasn't hurt before bringing his hand back to his head. It still hurt but he couldn't tell if he was bleeding or not.
✧ Himchan 10 years ago
@◓ Hyesung Himchan's eyes widen as he notices his accidentally hurt the person whom he tackled. "Oh my god I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I have a first aid kit in my backpack," Himchan frantically says as he quickly takes off his backpack and looks through his belongings for the item he was looking for.
As he looked through his bag he quickly stole some glances at the person he tackled. The person did have the characteristics of the area's so-called monster but as a human. Possibly a hybrid that he has heard about. Something however made Himchan curious. This person had the characteristics of a certain legendary pokemon... but he couldn't seem to remember which pokemon it was.
◓ Hyesung 10 years ago
@✧ Himchan Hyesung would normally be residing in the forest but today he was chased out into the sunflower field after he accidentally stepped on an onix's tail. He didn't even know why he let them chase him out but the sunflower field wasn't that bad. At least all the pokemon here weren't big and ready to smash his hybrid form to bits.
Sighing as he walked he suddenly crouched down behind the flowers when he sensed the presence of a human, accidentally rustling them a bit. Next thing he knew, he was being tackled to the ground.
"Ow! Ow, ow, ow." he suddenly whined as he hit his head on the ground. Pouting slightly to himself, he rubbed the spot on his head, forgetting momentarily the boy currently sitting on top of him.


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191a741e86e396aca9f0 8 years ago
*Blushes nervously* May I join?
KimmyKim62 8 years ago
i wish there was an pokemon rp active
overyou- 9 years ago
Sorry but sohyun left. :) Thanks for having me anyways.
shinrin-yoku 10 years ago
Naeun is leaving.
Mark take care of Jungkook. He's a wild trainee..
I hope this place gets again, I'll join if it does ^^
katsuki 10 years ago
Heechul is leaving. sorry :/
The_BlackButterfly_ 10 years ago
Yoona's leaving but I'll join again later~
Bye for now!
JCH21753 10 years ago
Youngmin's leaving, mian.
KimmyKim62 10 years ago
Tiffany will be leaving
DNABleached 10 years ago
key is on a semi-hiatus until September 1st. thanks.
The_BlackButterfly_ 10 years ago
Could you add SNSD Yoona as a trainee please?
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