❤Wish List❤

Tell me chur wish!


Admin itsAnonymousLove ak.ka Hwe Ji wishes for Park Ji Ho, G-Dragon, and Lee Chi Hoon to be hers in real life. :p (out of character... again :P)

Admin GuessWho a.k.a Seul Ki wishes for Park Hyun Seok to be hers in real life. :p (ooc)

Admin Krizelda a.k.a SanDara wishes for TOP to be hers in real life. :P (ooc)


F(x) Krystal wishes to be in the same Villa as 2NE1's Dara. (chur wish is granted!)

F(x) Sulli wishes to be the maknae, and wishes to get close to Girls Generation's Jessica and Tiffany.

Kara's Seungyeon wishes to be in the same Villa as one of her members, and wishes to get close to SHINee's Onew and Minho.

Miss A's (Admin) Suzy wishes to get close to B.A.P's Daehyun or EXO's Kai.

EXO-K's Sehun wishes to be in the same Villa as EXO-M's Luhan, and wishes to be close to SHINee.

Girls Generation's Yoona wishes to be in the same Villa as EXO-M's Luhan, and wishes to get close to EXO-M's Luhan.

EXO-M's Luhan wishes to be in the same Villa as EXO-K's Sehun, and wishes to get close to EXO-K's Sehun or at least 1 member of EXO. (chur wish is granted)

After School's E-Young wishes to be in the same Villa as CN Blue's Jonghun, and wishes to get close to CN Blue's Yonghwa.



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SoulToSoul 11 years ago
Applied as Taecyeon of 2PM.
squishy 12 years ago
i'm leaving.
I'm sorry.
The typical reason. School and busy.
U can kick me out on the admin list
absolu_t 12 years ago

luhan is leaving. i didn't quite fit in but it was fun while it lasted c:
pororo_aki 12 years ago
Yura is leaving. It has been good while it lasted :)
fawnatheart 12 years ago
Yoona's leaving
itsllllliiiiinnnnnhh 12 years ago
Applied as E-Young of After School~!
absolu_t 12 years ago
Applied as Luhan from EXO-M.
_absolute 12 years ago
Applied as Oh Sehun from exo-k
fawnatheart 12 years ago
Applied as Yoona from SNSD
AutumnLeaves 12 years ago
Applied as Seungyeon from Kara~
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