♘ game room №1

game room 1
innocent version 1
1 - roll again
2 - Step on a person's shoe
3 - Drink a glass of water form the pool
4 - Pick your nose in front of a random person
5 - Treat a person inside the cafe
6 - Confess inside the confession room about anything
innocent version 2
1 - roll again
2 - a person's cheek out of a blue
3 - Strip off one piece of your clothes
4 - Fart into someone's face
5 - Let a person slap you
6 - Say something awkward in the ooc room
mild version
1 - Lift your shirt up and flaunt your abdomen to someone else
2 - roll again
3 - Invite someone inside the ice cream parlor and a popsicle
4 - Touch somebody else's crotch out of the blue
5 - Enjoy skinny dipping inside the jacuzzi
6 - Spank a person's and tell him/her "That needs improvement."
Wild Version (clothed)
1 - Fondle someone's arse. Do so until s/he makes a sound 2 - / someone's covered and do what else you want to do after that
3 - roll again
4 - Get blindfolded and take the shirt off of someone else with your teeth
5 - Ride another person's crotch inside the bar
6 - Sniff another's armpit.
Wild version ()
1 - someone's private area
2 - another's two digits while ing
3 - Sleep with someone inside your space
4 - roll again
5 - Ask a help of someone to have something inserted inside your hole
6 - Do a flasher in front of another
Solo version
1 - post 100 times inside the spam room
2 - invade someone's space and completely fill it with your name
3 - Talk to yourself inside the ic room until the room is filled with your name
4 - Spam the rooms marked with ➩ 5 - roll again
6 - mention all the people online found on the right
Combination Version
First roll
< 1 - Innocent Version 1
2 - Innocent Version 2
3 - Mild Version
4 - Wild Version(Clothed)
5 - Wild Version ()
6 - Solo Player Version

Second roll
Do the dare corresponding to it.
torture that die
Free counters!
park jihyun 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 4
kim wonshik 10 years ago
anyone wants to play games with me?? /looks around.
park sooyoung 10 years ago
dem innocent versions are boring to stalk e u e;;
park sooyoung 10 years ago
why is no one playing wild version
im jinah 10 years ago
@im yoona We are playing the mild version.
im jinah 10 years ago
@xi luhan Luhan, Yoona is joining us.
im jinah 10 years ago
@im yoona Yoona~~ Your turn! You can roll the dice *grins*
im yoona 10 years ago
@im jinah hey i'm here to play with you
im jinah 10 years ago
@xi luhan go find someone else this time. *smiles cheekily*
im jinah 10 years ago
im jinah 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 5
im jinah 10 years ago
@xi luhan *thumbs up* My turn~
im jinah 10 years ago
@xi luhan Who are you going to flaunt to?
im jinah 10 years ago
@xi luhan okok, you go first!
im jinah 10 years ago
@xi luhan Any version, you can choose.
im jinah 10 years ago
finished spamming.
im jinah 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 1
im jinah 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 5
yoon bora 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 2
yoon bora 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 5
huang zitao 10 years ago
park sooyoung 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 5
park sooyoung 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 1
park sooyoung 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 6
park sooyoung 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 4
park sooyoung 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 4
park sooyoung 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 3
park sooyoung 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 4
park sooyoung 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 4
park sooyoung 10 years ago
* rolls dice * gets a 6


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Chenmander 9 years ago
I'm not sure if we're allowed to have more than one character, but if we are I'd like to add and reserve jackson wang.
NInaJewel 9 years ago
Jiyong is on hiatus
FlyingPheniox 9 years ago
I'm going for a hiatus for about a month. sorry Minjun.
halvet 9 years ago
Ahhh I stumbled over this RP a while ago but it was completely full omg;; I want to apply but since there's really no one active it's a bit sad ;w; but congrats that this got featured <3 I'll probably keep an eye out if you guys revamp this or make another RP ;v;b
XiongMao 10 years ago
Time to leave this dead place...
Don't trust the most upvoted this week, guys.
Even those places are dead sometimes.
beoseot 10 years ago
Taeyeon is leaving bro :D
Thanks for having me here
magniloquent 10 years ago
This rp is one that contained many memories for me but sadly, I will too have to take my leave. School is starting again- sobs, and I'm cleaning out my characters as much as I can before my life returns to its usual rowdy days.mrhank you for having me, it was such a great pleasure. I, too, have removed myself from being an admin. My greatest apologies- I had given the best of my experiences ;;

ce2b55b1a4197a4440c7 10 years ago
I had an amazing time here. Thank you for having me here, it brings me great sadness to leave but oh well, Mark Tuan has left the building.
All the best for the rp.
marcellasne 10 years ago
i'm sorry but sadly i'm going to have to leave the roleplay. i have become very busy and i won't be able to roleplay for quite a while. thank you a lot for having me here and sorry for my absent and fail of being a good admin till the end. OTL anyways, good luck and keep working hard. it was fun here while it lasted. oh & of course, i will remove myself from the admin spot.

- irene.
maomao 10 years ago
jessica left.
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