Coffee Shop

Sehun 9 years ago
@Jungkook Sehun came back with his order sat back down, inhaled the first bun. He took a sip of his frappe and moaned at the taste It' was heaven compared to that slop he had before. About to start on the second bun when he paused " you want one? points to the last bun/
Sehun 9 years ago
@Jungkook Sehun nodded in understanding, " Well being single is fun too.. most of the time he giggled. He git hungry suddenly as his tummy growled, Uh excuse me" He got up to go to the counter and order three large sticky buns and a plain mocha frappe
Sehun 9 years ago
@Jungkook sehun blushes then shrugs" Its the hand I was dealt I guess". he looks up in confusion " why are you alone? you're hot, don't you have a boyfriend? he ask curiously. This man can't be single,
Sehun 9 years ago
@Jungkook Sehun smiles " nice to meet you Im sehun". He couldn't believe his luck, here he came in for a delicious frappe but ended up with a delicious looking man. " Um may I call you Kooki? Sehun tilt his head to the side a bit, smiling shyly.
Sehun 9 years ago
@Jungkook Now sehun was a little embarrassed, he didn't get compliments often especially from hotties like him. Though he could do without the teasing, he was flattered too. 'Who wouldn't blush he mumbled under his breathe as he tried to calm his nerves. When guy did the hair flip he giggled a bit that was so girly.
Sehun 9 years ago
@Jungkook Sehun shook his head " I couldn't let you drink that mess, It's a matter of principle. He wiped his mouth with a napkin,crumbling it in his hand. Sehun blushed slightly, " I am? blinks innocently at the male with doe eyes, No one had ever called him that before. He took a good look at the male , talk about y but he can't say it out loud.
Sehun 9 years ago
@Jungkook Sehun jumped at the voice and turned to see a another male next to him. " Its terrible , I had no idea it was gonna taste like this , strawberry and chocolate are usually so good together too". He pouted a bit while shaking his head " no it's alright I don't waste stuff. Takes the lid off and chugs down the rest of it.
Sehun 9 years ago
Sehun was in the mood for the new strawberry and chocolate frappe. So now here he is in the long line for 20 minutes. " Ugh come on " he muttered, after another hour he finally gotten to the counter. He order a small one and went to the table he took a sip " Yeck he stuck his tongue out, strawberry and chocolate is usually and good combo, not in this scenario. Now Sehun was depressed :"all that waiting " sighs since he doesn't like to waste stuff he continues to drink it. Not noticing he was being watched (
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[post deleted by owner]
Taeyong 10 years ago
@Yugyeom Taeyong chuckled softly, giving the other a small nod "Alright as long as you're not forcing yourself." Taeyong looked up to see Yugyeom overwhelmingly cute reaction. He really was very adorable, and the other was more than happy to be able to help him. "Yeah, don't worry I'll help you get it. I'll ask the owner and I'm sure he'll say yes." he nodded with a small grin. He blinked a few times at what the other said and "You could just walk around~" He held his arms out for a hug, but chuckled softly. He caught out bright the other's smile was and it was incredible. "Have I? Well I'm glad this little chance encounter do us both some good." he smiled, and continued to watch the other's endearing actions. He nodded his head along "Right? Its so weird but...just really amazing." he gushed before nodding his head slightly timidly "Yeah...I've never really been in love before...only with the idea of love." he confessed rather embarrassed. He smiled at the other's adorable pout "I'd never get bored of hearing about you. Really?...hmmm...well just talk, I wanna hear your voice."
Luhan 10 years ago
@Yugyeom Taeyong's eyes twinkled seeing the other's smile even more, he really liked that smile. Just something about how sweet and almost pure it was it was impossible not to like it. "I do, but don't force yourself okay?" he says with a gentle tiny grin. Taeyong's eye brows furrowed slightly hearing the other explain why he was taking a year off, and while it made him slightly upset that the young boy's parents felt that way he tried to keep his comments to himself. It was true he didn't know the story, but he just felt education was important. Thats why he worked so hard every night at the club to pay off student fees, tuition and get experience. "You don't have to talk about anything that makes you feel uncomfortable." he reassures, and bites his lip listening before something clicks in his head. "Really? Hmm...I think I could get you a job here." he said, before slowly nodding his head. "My cousin who I work for, he works here for just fun but I bet he'd let you take his position he doesn't need the job. And I'm close with the owner I can put in a good word for you." he grins widely, he hoped that he could help Yugyeom. It was weird they had just met, yet he felt this strong urge to make him happy or at least try. "Its totally fine, seriously I know its weird cause we just met but I think we can easily get just talk...about anything and everything you want and I'll listen. I like your voice." he says with a small timid smile. He nods his head "Hmm...some stories deserve to longer though, maybe a few of yours do. And its not easy, there's lots of revising, rewriting involved in writing a full story...but I think it'd be worth it. Don't you? I'm very particular on stories messages being accurately expressed, along with its characters. Because that what people connect to the most right?" he asks, a tinge of excitement bubbles in him. And it reminds him of when he was in high school when writing was his life and he desperately wanted to just be an English major. But here was a Business major with a minor in accounting. He chuckles softly nodding "Yeah...that character he's hard and not a lot of people get him. Even I don't get him sometimes..." he tilts his head at the question, and shakes his head "No...more likes someone I use to know." he smiles, but its a sad smile and theres this odd flicker in his eyes. He shakes it off, and looks at Yugyeom with a grin when he agrees to meet again. "Perfect then I'll be here tomorrow with a pen and paper." he blinks a few times and checks the time before pursing his lips "Nah I got time, so..." he leans a bit closer looking at Yugyeom "Just keep talking, tell me everything, anything about you."
Kris 10 years ago
Taeyong 10 years ago
@Yugyeom Taeyong bites my lip seeing the young male look so sad over the little misunderstanding. He panicked a bit before flailing his hands "Um...lets just ...pretend it didn't happen? I think you're real cute and I'd hate to be a jerk towards you and make you all sad especially when you have such a cute smile." he blurts out, and as soon as the words slip through his lips a bright and vibrant blush colors over his face. His eyes widen and he shrinks down in his seat, feeling embarrassed. "Sorry about that..." he mumbled and stuffs his croissant in his mouth so maybe he stop saying stupid things in front of Yugyeom. He perks up a bit hearing more about the other "Really? What are you spending the year off doing?" he asked a bit curious. He didn't feel like talking about himself much, but more hearing about Yugyeom. Taeyong nodded his head "Short stories are nice, though the drive me crazy cause often they leave off with so many unanswered questions I just want to flail around on the floor after I read one. But anything you publish I want to read online or in paper." he chuckles softly, and sips his coffee. He catches the blush on Yugyeom face, he bites his lip smiling. ' he's cute', he thinks to himself. Taeyong tilted his head slightly "Maybe more like losing the one he loves again, because it took losing him once to realize he loved the other. He knows the other boy loves him but...he still can't say it out loud. He scared and he doesn't know when he'll stop being scared. It causes such strife between them...." he sort of lost himself while talking about the character, and then blinked a few times before smiling "Yeah I'll just have to dig it up from my stuff. It'll be a big mess...but maybe we can see each other" he asked timidly. "Maybe I can help you finish some...I can't promise I'll be amazing help but..." he trails off with a grin "I think it might be fun."
Tao [H] 10 years ago
(holy me. /stars at it/ Its so long.. /pets it, has my laptop hook up to my tv so it looks even bigger then normal/)
Luhan 10 years ago
@Yugyeom ((I'm gonna reply a little shorter orz, cause its late))
Taeyong 10 years ago
@Yugyeom Taeyong let out a small sputter with wide eyes when he saw the other's smile fade away and he look so down. "y-You were joking?" he choked slightly on his words, feeling like an utter jerk for what he had said. "No it was my fault for taking your joke too seriously. I was being sorta mean, while trying to figure out why you were being mean to yourself even though you weren't" he sighed and hung his head low in shame, before peeking up at Yugyeom "Sorry, sometimes I'm bad at catching jokes or the mood of things..." he gave the other a small little awkward grin. He tilted his head and chuckled softly "Yeah well I'm a sophomore at college, I got a job at my cousin's club as his assistant I help with paper work, numbers and things like that cause he's a mess on his own. I'm just getting some experience for when I graduate college. What about you? You look like you're high school but I could be wrong." he grinned at his own little lame joke. He leaned in just a tiny bit, sipping his ice coffee while listening to Yugyeom describe his writings, and characters. A small smile crept on his lips because he really liked how Yugyeom looked when he talked, and his voice. It gave him small tingles "Have you ever thought of writing a book or short story? I think you'd write a great one, and I'll be the first to read it." he grinned, "It kind of reminds me of when I use to write, I had this one character who refused to fall in love. He didn't think he deserved to be loved, and that it just wasn't made for him. Then he finally fell in love, but even then he couldn't say out loud because he was afraid of what would come from saying those three words. Its kinda funny I wrote such a sad story...since I love, love...I'm what you call a hopeless romantic." he chuckled sheepishly. "But tell me more about your writings, and you...and anything at all." his eyes gazed into Yugyeom and he just couldn't stop smiling.
Taeyong 10 years ago
@Yugyeom Taeyong watched the strange little actions the other male did, finding them interesting. But then a small frown made its way to his lips "I'm pretty sure thats not what I meant because I sat here in the first place cause there were no other seats. You happen to be here alone, this is all chance. If you think that I'm trying to say that about you, maybe you're the one who actually thinks that. Which is kinda sad, because being alone is nice most of the time. This is a chance encounter, maybe its fate like in the books or maybe not." Taeyong said with a small shrug, not sure why Yugyeom was trying to turn his words negative. He didn't mean them like that at all, he might of come out rude now but thats only because he was quiet blunt with his words. He didn't catch the amused tone in other's words all that much. Taeyong was a bit slow with things like that. Taeyong took a sip of his coffee, he tilted his head while listening to him "Its nice you have a second home like this. My second home is the office, I spent all night til this morning working like most nights because hyung always has piles of work he needs to get done but leaves to the last minute to hang out with his boyfriend." Taeyong sighed. "But if I had to pick a real second home this one would be it, theres never a time when I'm here and I'm not at ease, its like the second I step through those doors, and the scent of coffee beans along with the sugary pastries hit me I'm just...okay, doesn't matter what happened last night or two seconds ago. I'm okay, I'm happy....I'm at peace." he smiled slightly looking at Yugyeom. "So what do you like to write about? I use to write a lot in high school...but not so much now." he said with a hint of sadness in his voice, but shook it off to give another soft smile.
Taeyong 10 years ago
@Yugyeom Taeyong tilted his head slightly listening to the other's voice it was cute and it made his lips curl into a tiny smile. "Always alone? Well I'm glad I could change that even if it just for today." he smiled at the stranger, and watched with great fascination as he wrote. Taeyong wondered what was he writing about, and then blinked a few times when the other seem to suddenly stop. "Yugyeom? Cute, nice meeting you too." he smiled, the other's name was cute. Yugyeom was cute from head to toe and even more when he smiled. Taeyong smiled widely at Yugyeom, "So do you come here a lot? To write?" he asked, pointing at the notebook, becoming more curious about the boy.
Taeyong 10 years ago
@Yugyeom Taeyong blinked a couple of times staring at the boy across from him. Of course he was aware that someone else had been sitting at the table, but he hadn't expected someone like this boy. His eyes stayed on the boy, watching him for a small moment. Tayeong couldn't help it, he tried to tear his eyes away from the make but when he saw him almost smile, it only pushed him to wait and see him actually smile. "Hey there." he said with a slightly awkward grin. "Sorry for bothering is packed." he glanced around before his eyes fell back on the young male. "My name is Taeyong." he grinned, and took a sip of his coffee "We could make this a lot less awkward if you tell me your name." he joked.
Taeyong 10 years ago
@Yugyeom ((aw I was gonna start but thank you!))

Taeyong sighed upon entering the coffee shop, inhaled the scent of raw coffee beans, and sweets in the air. There was nothing better than that. He didn't waste any more time and ordered himself a large white chocolate Ice coffee, his absloute favorite along with a buttery croissant because he was hungry. He had spent the night and much of the early morning studying while also doing paper work for his cousin Luhan. He knew he should have focused more on studying but he couldn't let the work pile up. He smiled widely when he got his coffee and snack, turning around his eyes wandered around trying to find an empty table. His eyes landed on one empty chair and he scurried off to it not caring if the other chair seemed to be taken. He quickly sat down before anyone else with a victorious grin.
Kris 10 years ago
@Luhan *feels your nipping an s my tongue into your mouth
*savoring your flavor by exploring every inch
*grips your thigh an wraps your leg around my hip
*s your in the process
Luhan 10 years ago
@Kris *chuckles softly, the way you chuckle my lips it tickles a bit*
Easy job I've ever gotten *mewls softly against your lips as you nibble on mine*
*your touch makes my body tremble in the slightest way, my fingers play with the ends of your hair, and leans in closer nibbling down on your lip and tugging it on it softly*
Kris 10 years ago
@Luhan *Chuckles against your lips
Correct as hell....*whispers again and nibbles on your lower lip
*traces down your sides to your hips and grips them before tracing up and down your back; runs my fingers though your back
*tilts my head some your lips
Luhan 10 years ago
@Kris *blinks a few times as you grab my hand and pull me against your body, stares up at you slightly surprised before a small smirk makes its way to my lips*
*leans up kissing your lips back*
*my eyes are on your lips before the flicker back up towards yours*
Is that why I got the job? *grins slightly before our lips are kissing again*
*wraps my arms around your neck, while you hold my waist*
Kris 10 years ago
@Luhan *stands on the side with the wall and grabs your hand before you move any farther
*Pulls you in my arms and presses you closer against my body*
I knew there was a reason I wanted to have you work here
*tilts your head up and kisses you softly before pulling away
Your taste is alluring....*whispers inches away from your lips and presses mine against yours again
*warps my arms around your wasit to keep you in place
Luhan 10 years ago
@Kris *turns slightly when you pat my back, and blinks a few times when you kiss my forehead*
Of course I will~
*hums softly and I follow you to the back of the kitchen*
Why am I here?
Kris 10 years ago
@Luhan *More squeals are heard from the background
Arent you something else
*pats your bak
youll do fine~ *kisses your forehead and chuckles softly
*makes a motion for you to follow me but the others don't catch it
*Walks back to the kitchen and finishes the rest of the
Luhan 10 years ago
@Kris *sits on one of the stool with a big grin when you give me a cupcake*
I have this thing where I burn calories really fast
*blinks when you cup my chin*
Oh you're just tempting me to make a mess *smirks, and eats the cupcake happily while swinging my legs*
*sees the water and sips it*
*blinks when you wipe my cheek and tilts my head grinning*
Can't help it~
*eyes widen slightly for a short moment when you my lips and then reaches out and grabs you by the collar taking a nip at your lips*
Hm...there *smiles and hops off the stool*
Kris 10 years ago
@Luhan *taps my chin thinking what else I had to do before coming back out with the drinks
*gives you a water and the rest out to the customers
*Sees one eyeing you and gets an idea; may or may not work
*goes back over to you as you eat your cupcake and wipes your cheek off
Ahhh still a messy eater even when I til you not to
*tilts your chin up and sees some crumbs around your lips
* my lips before leaning in and your upper lip before pulling away
There clean *lets you go and the customers start to go a bit crazy
*some take a picture and smirks a bit
Just a bit of adversiment


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BangingDae 9 years ago
GD left. It was fun.
BabyEureongie 9 years ago
Can you add and reserve BTS Taehyung?
empressoftomorrow 9 years ago
Please add and reserve BTS Jungkook
BangingDae 9 years ago
Can I apply for GD?
629c589979530b4f5cab 9 years ago
Please add and reserve Bobby!
Bigbadwolf96 9 years ago
Does anyone want to roleplay ?
Oxytocin 9 years ago
Applied as Xiumin
Oxytocin 9 years ago
I would like to reserve Xiumin

will probably apply in the next few minutes
soyamilk 9 years ago
sorry, mino left.
soyamilk 9 years ago
applied as mino. o/
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