- Home Island
Found By: Lee Hyori
Found In: Mid-2005
Located: About 30 mins from the shore of Seoul
In the beginnings of Hyori's South Korean Cirque, freaks would become tired and feel lethargic after perfoming for weeks on end. There was no break, no place they could stay to rest from performing.
Once a lot of the freaks began to fall ill and some even died to exhaustion, Hyori knew she had to come up with some sort of solution. She left her nephew and a few of the older freaks in charge for a couple of weeks while she took majority of their money. Many thought she'd run away, but when she returned three weeks later, she revealed what she'd been looking for: a home for them.
Because the island is deserted, the buildings were a bit torn down and decrepit. However, with the help of all of the group, they managed to fix all of the buildings up adequately enough. The island, thankfully, was equipped with indoor plumbing and running water, along with a fresh water lake. But there is no electricity, making the freaks resort to an abundance of candles and lanterns to keep their home well-lit.
The island may not be much to others, but to the freaks: it's home.
Housing assignments
- Cottage 1
2 rooms, 1 bathroom
Residents: Taemin and Kris
- Cottage 2
5 rooms, 2 bathrooms
Residents: Minji, Tao, Jiyong, Youngji
- Cottage 3
2 rooms, 1 bathroom
Residents: Hara
- Cottage 4
3 rooms, 2 bathrooms
Residents: Daehyun, Minah and Dohee
- Cottage 5
4 rooms, 2 bathrooms
Residents: Kai, Suji,
Haebyeol and Mark
- Cottage 6
2 rooms, 1 bathroom
Residents: Naeun and Sehun
- weekly duties
Performance Aids:
- Daehyun
- Minah
- Jiyong
Cafeteria Duties:
- Taemin
- Naeun
- Tao
- Mark
Cleaning Duties:
- Minji
- Suji
- Haebyeol
- Dohee
Boat Drivers:
- Kris
- Hara
- Kai
- Sehun