Welcome to the FAQ Page!

Questions. Questions? Questions!

Any and all questions you have can and will be answered on our FAQ page. If there is anything you are unsure of, you can simply post and ask here. The worst penalty of any role play is being kicked off and declined for ever joining again. To ensure that won't happen here, you may want to ask any questions you are unsure about or anything you want. To get you started, we will have a few questions answered. If you have any questions, please post to this page. We will have your answer posted shortly.








RP Rules

Q: In the rules, it was stated that this is a 3rd person role play. Does this mean that we have to role play in 3rd person all the time?
A: No. 3rd person is not required for everything. On character walls, you are free to roleplay however you like. Also, you can post in 1st or 3rd in areas like the animal adoption center or the dorm halls. I know that it may be awkward to use 3rd person in some situations, so I will not require it for every part of the roleplay. In main roleplay rooms where a lot of things happen, yes, 3rd person is required. In other rooms, just use any POV that you comfortable with in that situation.

RP Events

Q: In the discription missions, events and story lines were mentioned to take part in this role play. What kinds of things do we, as roleplayers, have to look forward to?
A: I want this to be an active role play, so the main admin (CL) will come up with random events or story lines at random times. When these come up, it is highly recommended that you, as roleplayers, take part in them. I feel the most exciting role plays are the ones that incorporate some sort of story with them.

Q: Is it required that every roleplayer takes part in the events or story lines that come up?
A: No. There are no required events. I understand that one may start and end before some people have a chance to atively participate, so I will not require all roleplayers to take part in these. It is highly recommended that you participate every chance you get; however, so that you can get the best out of this roleplay.

RP Couples

Q: Is this a matchmaking roleplay?
A: No. This is not a matchmaking role play in any way. However, you are allowed to form couples with people.

Q: What kinds of couples are allowed?
A: I love all types of relationships, so I have no restrictions on any form of couple. Necromancers can date vampires and anima can date fairies. I don't care. Straight? Lesbian? Gay? It's all okay. Restrictions on relationships is probably one of the lowest things a role play can have.

Q: What things are allowed in a relationship?
A: Anything. Cute fluffy stuff can be posted on character walls and in the main role play rooms. Anything rated M as far as /lemon should be posted in PM's or in rooms that are rated M for that purpose.

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hanahana 11 years ago
Name: Niel
Group: Teen Top
Race: Necromancer

Please accept it, thank you!
maknae_twomoons 11 years ago
sorry but Suzy is leaving...
BrideDeJunpeiMi 11 years ago
Name:Kim JongIn
NickKeys 11 years ago
Name: Jung Yong Hwa
Group: C.N. Blue
Race: Necromancer

--Please accept it.
B2utyandtheB2st 12 years ago
Name: Kim HyungJoon
Group: SS501
Race: Necromancer
maknae_twomoons 12 years ago
Name: Suzy Bae
Group: Miss A
Race: Necromancer
EvilMaknaeLineRuler 12 years ago
Name: Naeun
Group: A Pink
Race: Anima (cat)
dragonmask 12 years ago
Name: Kim Kibum
Group: U-Kiss
Race: Necromancer
Xander 12 years ago
I want to be SungJae from BTOB!!! But...is it possible to add a werewolf to the list? I want to be a werewolf!
lokingey 12 years ago
Hiya! ^^
I would like to be Taemin of SHINee as an Anima! (Random question. Have you read +Anima?)
I would like him to have cat-like features, such as a cat tail and kitty ears! ^^
Thank you, and have a nice day!
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